Dominance Issues With 2 Sows

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*Photo Competition Winner*
May 22, 2011
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Some of you may know I had to separate Phoebe and Poppy a few weeks ago as Phoebe was really poorly and Poppy wasn't letting her have any peace (displaying normal dominance behaviours) - thus Phoebe was getting very stressed out with it. They are about 3 and a half years old, and full sisters.

My plan was always to get them back together in the same cage when Phoebe was better. So during floor time in the pen, I've been putting them in with each other. Poppy is rumbling and sometimes rumblestrutting too, a lot, chasing Phoebe round, trying to mount her - all with Phoebe squeaking a lot and trying to turn her bottom away or run away. All of this I believe, is fairly normal dominance behaviour. They seem to do this for a couple of minutes and then all is ok - they'll even share the same pile of food or willow ball. Tonight, during their scuffles, they've both managed to squirt wee on each other. I realise this is a worse sign, but how should I continue? Phoebe also darted into a hidey hole - which she's never done before, then Poppy went in a minute later when Phoebe tried to get in again - so preventing her. So far they haven't drawn blood, but I don't want it to get to that stage. I'd appreciate some advice please? Thanks.
Make sure that you don't have any hideys with only one exit to prevent the underpiggy from being trapped; card board boxed or tea towels/hankies pegged to the bars will do. Also have at least two hideys in the cage. Being trapped can lead to scuffles. Also provide food in bowls that are at least a body length away from each other.

Otherwise, you have to sit it out. If tensions stay high this evening, separate overnight and restart intros on neutral ground again tomorrow. Things should be hopefully noticeably calmer by then.
Thanks Wiebke. This is only in the pen though - I don't feel confident enough to put them together in the same cage yet. Phoebe darted into one of those soft cavy cosies - only big enough for one piggy in there.
Never have those around during intros; actually, the less you have in the pen the better.
I'll take all the stuff out tomorrow then. I thought it'd be ok to have somewhere for her to get away from Poppy though. No worries, still got a lot to learn here.
Just a quick update on this.

I've been so worried about putting Phoebe and Poppy back in the same cage, as they've been separated since late November. After a few days of being together in the pen and seeming to get on better with each other (Poppy seems to be the boss now) I took the plunge today, and tried them. Cleaned the cage, rearranged it all - 2 of everything in there, put Phoebe in first then Poppy and after a couple of little shows of dominance from Poppy, they've been great together. In fact, I would say Phoebe is a lot calmer now she's back with Poppy! Maybe she's been trying to tell me she was ready or something, as she's been very vocal for the last few days and seems much calmer now. Phew! One relieved mummy here :)
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