Dominance issues among pair of sows


New Born Pup
Sep 17, 2024
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I've had my piggies for 4 months now, I got them when they were 8 weeks old. They live in a 5ftx2ft c&c cage, and have access to all the things they need. The issue is, that after 4 months they still haven't established a dominance hierarchy. A week goes by and I think it's been sorted and then it starts all over again, they are constantly rumble strutting (happening as I type), head raising, teeth chattering and squaring up to each other to the point it looks like it's going to be a full on scrap but one day one pig comes out on top and the next day that same pig is being submissive and running away. I don't really know what to do and it's getting quite stressful as it makes me not want to leave them for long periods of time just in case blood is drawn and I'm not there to separate. Everything I've read says that this is usually sorted in the first month of them being housed together so I'm worried this is going to escalate. They have 4 hides of varying size, a big hay box so they can both eat without getting in each others way, enrichment items. I can't get a bigger cage but from what I understand 10 square feet is the preferable size for 2 sows. I did think about adding a neutered boar but again, I don't have the space. Is there anything else I can do to help this process?
Establishing dominance happens within about the first two weeks. What you see after that is either the normal mild dominance behaviours as they hit their teens (It tends to be more noticeable in boars but sows absolutely do go through it. Add on top of that that sows go into season around every two weeks or so (15-17) and that also produces the behaviours you are seeing)
They in fact are not settled with the hierarchy and it may be a dysfunctional bond with potential separation needed.
The thing with sows is that they don’t tend to have an outright fight which can make spotting issues a bit less clear

If it is just normal dominance then you do need to just leave them. But, as the bonds in trouble guide I’ve linked in, increased squaring up can be a sign that they in fact are not happy together.
If this does seem like more than normal dominance, then our advice would be a temporary separation for a few days and then a neutral territory reintroduction and see whether they go back together.

10 square feet is the recommended size for two sows.
8 square feet for a single as a minimum each side by side if you need to separate

Adding a boar, even if you did have space, won’t fix or help anything. The teens is something all piggies have to go through. If their bond was found to be dysfunctional then adding a boar won’t make the sows get on. If there was ever to be an issue between the sows, the boar is going to side with just one of them and then you end up with an outsider situation and still potential separation with the other sow.
