Dominance And Rumbling

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New Born Pup
Feb 16, 2016
Reaction score
Yorkshire, UK
Hi there, I have two girls of the same age (approx 6 months). It became apparent very quickly that Patch (the bigger of the two) is dominant; she gets first dibs of the house in the cage, often rumbles at Smudge if she tries to get in and gets first pick of veggies when I put them in the cage. Smudge is rather small-looking although they weigh similar amounts. I'm just posting to ask about dominance; recently Smudge has began to up her rumbling and I'm constantly confused because I wonder if they've worked their hierarchy out! They play nicely in their pen and cage and do laps and follow each other when comes to floor time, but Patch cannot STAND having Smudge near her during laptime and often ends in squabbling and a far amount of screeching from Smudge as Patch intimidates her and often attempts to nip (never drawn blood though; I know to separate if that happens!) Wondering if this will calm down? It would be nice if they could sit together but I can't do it because they just don't get on during laptime! Is this normal?
Hi there, I have two girls of the same age (approx 6 months). It became apparent very quickly that Patch (the bigger of the two) is dominant; she gets first dibs of the house in the cage, often rumbles at Smudge if she tries to get in and gets first pick of veggies when I put them in the cage. Smudge is rather small-looking although they weigh similar amounts. I'm just posting to ask about dominance; recently Smudge has began to up her rumbling and I'm constantly confused because I wonder if they've worked their hierarchy out! They play nicely in their pen and cage and do laps and follow each other when comes to floor time, but Patch cannot STAND having Smudge near her during laptime and often ends in squabbling and a far amount of screeching from Smudge as Patch intimidates her and often attempts to nip (never drawn blood though; I know to separate if that happens!) Wondering if this will calm down? It would be nice if they could sit together but I can't do it because they just don't get on during laptime! Is this normal?

Hi! Patch is asserting her dominance during lap time; nipping is another (carefully judged and NOT painful dominance behaviour). If necessary, cuddle them separately. it is going to settle down eventually once both girls are comfortable with their spot and new life. There will be flare-ups when the girls come into season; that usually lasts 1-2 days.
Sow Behaviour
Some pigs really don't want to share with the humans and will try to run off any competition, even if it's a bonded companion. One of my prior sows, Linney, did not like sharing a lap with another pig and would attempt to nip and chase off the other pig. We just did lap time separately, it wasn't worth the squabble and someone (not necessarily one of the pigs!) was going to end up getting bit. I actually still do separate lap time even though my current dominant sow is not so bossy because I enjoy the one-on-one time with each of them, and because I have three kids there is no shortage of laps for pigs to sit on solo. It's also worth noting that sows have hormonal cycles and can show dominant behavior during that time period- even a subordinate sow can get dominant while she's in heat, although things should settle down once the hormones wane. It's more obvious in some pigs than others. One of my meek little girls was a whole different pig during those few days a month!
I second all the advice given above. If you have enough room in their cage it might be nice to add second house so they have one each? An old cardboard box with cut-out arches makes a cheap alternative to a plastic pigloo. At least the underpig would have her own hidey if chucked out of the other one;).
I second all the advice given above. If you have enough room in their cage it might be nice to add second house so they have one each? An old cardboard box with cut-out arches makes a cheap alternative to a plastic pigloo. At least the underpig would have her own hidey if chucked out of the other one;).
Thanks AuntyC! Don't worry, I have plenty of hidey places for them. Cardboard is actually their favourite...typical!
My boys don't like being near each other for cuddles either. Even if I have one and my boyfriend has the other and we sit on the same sofa, they chatter their teeth and generally get aggravated with each other! Strange wee ones.
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