Dogs with guinea pigs


New Born Pup
Jan 4, 2022
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Our dog of 20 years just died and he was pretty great with our guinea pigs and they loved to be around him. We probably won’t be getting another dog soon but if we were, is there a specific type that would be good with them?
Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss :(:soz:

It's usually somewhat specific to the the dog's personality. Some have been bred to hunt small rodents, rabbits (and animals) such as German Shorthaired Pointers, Bloodhounds, Basset hounds & Beagles. Stay away from terrier breeds which were bred as rat killers.
I personally wouldn't let any dog near my pigs not only because of the predator/prey dynamic which is always going to be there regardless of breed/age/sex or whether frodo is well behaved or not. Also you have to consider some illnesses can spread to pigs. A common one being bordetella (kennel cough) which even if vaccinated against still gets shed in their coat up to a week after.

By all means welcome another into your heart and home when you are ready, but try to keep them seperate.

I'm so sorry for your loss. 20 is a great age; I've heard of hardly any dogs reaching that. You must have many fond memories. Take care and let yourself grieve. 💚
I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️ You were very lucky to have such a lovely placid dog for 20 years! Wow! What breed was he?

I have a 3yr old CKCS he’s as soft as a brush but he’s too playful and would easily accidentally hurt them. They’d like to play but they’re only allowed to sniff noses through the cage. Xx
I’m so sorry you have lost your dog. Wow 20. What an amazing age. You must be heartbroken. I lost my border terrier in November. Eddie was 16.5. He was never allowed anywhere near my two piggies. I wouldn’t feel comfortable giving any dog access to pigs.
I’m so sorry for your loss :( but what a great age he was.

In my honest opinion, I wouldn’t trust any dog to be around pigs even if they are soft. I have 3 cats and although I know the cats would never hurt the piggies, they’re never left alone with the pigs when they’re out of the cage as you just never know
I'm so sorry about your dog passing, it is difficult when that happens. If you get another dog I agree stay away from terriers because they are bred to go after rodents. I have a 8 year old standard poodle who could care a less about my pigs so I actually had a open top cage. Now that we brought another poodle pup home she is a different temperament and I am sure would pounce on them if given the chance. So while my cage still sits on the floor I upgraded to a critter nation with solid bars and top. Not taking a chance.
:agr: with above posts.
I wouldn't trust any dog with guinea pigs or small animals. I have a shoodle (Shih Tzu x poodle) who seems totally disinterested, when handling and cuddling pigs she doesn't take much notice. I would never trust her with them, though.
Poodles and border collies are agreeable with pets.
So sorry for your loss, what a grand old age for a dog.

I must agree, I wouldn't trust any dog regardless of size or breed loose around the guinea pigs. Even if they mean well, they may accidently injure them trying to play with them. And at the end of the day, they are predators and guinea pigs are prey.

My piggy Dandelion is greatly interested in my dog and vice versa, but their relationship stays through-the-bars. Belgium and Dandelion run around together and interact, with Dandelion safely in his cage.

In any case, I would avoid dogs bred to hunt small animals such as rats. I wouldn't want a ratting dog even in the same house, just in case. (Same goes for ferrets.) Basically you don't want anyone that might be determined to crack open the cage in search of prey.
I can only agree with the others - dogs and pigs can make great housemates but always through the bars of a very secure, fully enclosed cage. We have a Golden Retriever who loves everyone and has always behaved very well around smaller pets, including guinea pigs, but they'd never be left alone together.

I've heard of a phenomenon called predatory drift which is basically a momentary but deadly deviation from what we'd probably recognise as our dog's usual behaviour; something about an interaction with a familiar, smaller animal pushes an old button in their brain and their predatory instincts kick in, and they attack. The trigger is often play but can also be if the other animal is running from them, struggling, or is making high pitched noises. I believe this phenomenon is the reason it's not recommended to allow cats and dogs (and even big dogs and small dogs) to play together, even if they're generally great friends; the dog can be completely normal and well-behaved except in that one moment, but it only takes that one moment to do the damage. While I don't claim to be an expert and believe this still needs further study (which is obviously problematic), it does describe events I am aware of, and in any case the risk is too big to take in my opinion.

For balance, our household has traditionally been made up of humans, dog, cat, and guinea pigs, and everyone gets along very well... although I'm not sure the cat has forgiven us for getting a dog yet! :D