Dog Pee On Grass

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 18, 2014
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
Is it possible to put a run down on grass where a dog has urinated? Provided I water it for a few days first as I don't think rain will be coming too quickly. I've seen that while dog urine is dangerous for piggies, apparently fox and/or cat urine isn't, which feels a bit convenient considering cats and foxes are usually out and about and can go anywhere without being controlled. Thanks!
I had the same problem a few years ago and l , as you have said , soaked the grass with a hose pipe every day for a week,
And it was fine,

Interesting that cat and fox pee is not harmful !
Thanks @gizzy ! It's been boiling and was too hot to consider getting piggies up. Hope it doesn't get back to the rainy weather within the next two weeks. Do you think it would be ok to use a watering can instead of a hose pipe though? Busted mine when I was getting rid of tons of grass and snipped it :P

I looked at a thread after making this one by wiebke about preparing for grass and saw that fox pee is dangerous for piggies but cat pee isn't unless I missed something?
Er mm ,,, Hi , l suppose a lot depends on how much dog pee, also how long has your dog been peeing there ?
If your dog has been peeing there for a wile it may be concetrated in the soil
In a particular part of my garden were l put one of my runs (l have 3) it had been subject to heavy use , and rather than take a chance
I removed the topsoil and turfed .
Mine have to share the lawn with the dogs and the rabbits. I just use a watering can and water the area as soon as the dogs have pee'd. If the bunnies are free-ranging then they could have pee'd anywhere any I'd never know. Piggies go on the lawn whenever the weather is suitable. Never had any problems in the last 5+ years I've had piggies.
Thanks both! I'm going to wait until the sun goes each day to water and wait a week or two adding rain.

how long has your dog been peeing there ?
My dog, Zeb, goes randomly. I've done it before but didn't want to take chances :D
Hi CarnivalPiggy if its not a regular dog toilet and the soil is not contaminated then can't see it being a problem, :tu:
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