Does Zorb have to have a "bottom" layer?


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2010
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The ladies are getting their bedding upgraded and as part of this, Carol, Mags and Fifi have been trialling a few options as the heavy piddlers. We tried a cotton sheet, ved bed underneath, one layer of Zorb under that then a waterproof sheet. The vet bed and Zorb were soaked after 2 days. Next trial was cotton sheet, ved bed and three layers of Zorb before the waterproof sheet. The Zorb was damp, the vet bed and sheet fairly dry. Do we need to put a layer of fleece under the Zorb for dryness?
When I used zorb, I sandwiched it between two layers of fleece. I think you do need fleece under the zorb.
Technically you don't need anything under the Zorb, but what the additional fleece layer does is trap the wet in the middle, and protect the surface underneath.
So if your cages are on a surface that will be ok if it comes into contact with damp Zorb then you don't need an extra layer.
I hope that makes sense.
Thanks, we will have vinyl attached to marine plywood under the Zorb. If the vinyl starts to show signs of degradation, then I'll have to come up with Plan J 😁
I like to have zorb between two layers of fleece. I like to do different colours on each side so I can change colour theme as and when.
I make liners and do a fleece zorb fleece Sandwich, I don’t notice any wet on the bottom of our cage
Fleece drains/wicks away wetness (water always finds the lowest level possible - gravity) were as towelling, cottons, adsorb wetness. If you used some polyester sheet wadding such as Dacron under your top fleece it’s open fabric allows the wetness to drain quickly through the layers down to the bottom So the top fleece stays pretty dry as it creates a barrier

When I make mats I use top layer of fleece
Then 6oz Dacron Sheet Polyester wadding which is about 3/4” thick
Then another layer of fleece
and then the bottom layer of fleece
I put a layer of newspaper down at the bottom of the cage, but you could use a towel

I find it works really well, my mats are always nice and dry and the beautiful of polyester is it does hold the moisture like heavy wet towels and cotton/sorb type fabrics. it is also very quick drying
I like the fleece-Zorb-fleece sandwich. They work really well and it gives it good weight. Plus you can make them double sided 😁