Does You Piggie To Watch Tv?

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New Born Pup
Apr 4, 2015
Reaction score
East Sussex
We've had Gizmo just under a week and he's now choosing to sit on my chest under my chin for snuggles bur we've noticed today that he enjoys watching the TV. Is this common?
Some piggies can be fascinated by the moving patterns on the screen even though they can't see them clearly at that distance.
Yeah, I assumed he wouldn't be able to see the actual images but the colours/shapes etc. he has really started to be comfortable with us now which is lovely. He went outside today which he loved he ran about and played in the grass. He has also become more happy to be picked up. We have been following a sort of plan with him, We go to his cage and chat to him offer him some food and see if he wants to be stroked and if he is enjoying that we ask if he wants a cuddle then try to pick him up but we only try 3 times then we say ok gizzy see you later. He seems to understand that we're only trying to get to know him and that its all on his terms and so is teaching us what he does and doesn't like. ~i'm amazed just how communicative and intelligent they actually are.
this should be him enjoying some cuddles and cucumber
Mine will sometimes face the TV, but I'm not sure that they're actually paying attention to it. They do pay attention to the sounds from the TV, especially if they hear other animal noises that they aren't used to. Talking and background noise they seem to filter out, but birds chirping on TV always seem to get them to perk up their ears and look around.
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