Does This Look Like They Don't Like Each Other ?

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so i put them back together after spending the night another night apart.... lots of bum sniffing but they didn't fight .. But i am scared to put them back together whilst Pippin has those sore wounds....
Looks like they are ok togerther , thouhg I would keep a close to them

They could just be friends in adversaty because they know you are there
I'm not 100% sure, they SEEM ok to a degree but it seems as though when Pippin goes near Gladys she gets jumpy and runs? Also was Pippin snapping at her?
Storm and Snow act a bit like those two, chinning and such, a bit naughty they are lol, they don't hurt each other though.
Can't see any aggression to me, but keep an eye on them and try and make yourself not seen or heard that way they'll act as if they were alone.
Two of mine do the same on occasion. It looks to me just a dominance thing of fluffy reminding non-fluffy who is boss. I even have one piggie chasing around the other one from hidie to hidie for a minute or so, but then it all settles down with no actual nipping. Just a bit of head bumping and scattering around. Other times they are best of friends falling asleep beside each other. In my cage it normally happens after food, especially fresh grass or kale, if the piggies decide that someone got more than their fair share than their position allowed! Sometimes its over who is sleeping where too. Unless you see sustained chasing or nipping I wouldn't worry, just keep an eye that it doesn't escalate.
:D They do seem a little wary of each other ,and also wary of you too. They cannot act naturally because you keep exposing their hiding places. Try to do as the Chief says, and see how they get on. Perhaps you could spread some cut grass or chopped carrot around the cage to take their minds off each other. At least they have plenty of room to get away from each other.
i purposely removed the main hidey so i could see what was going on - i was so scared of any biting - not that i have seen any biting at all... i can't watch them all night but maybe i will sleep on the sofa tonight and put them back together ... i will feed them together and put gladys back in with all the hides etc.. fingers crossed nothing will happen...
Can't see any aggression to me, but keep an eye on them and try and make yourself not seen or heard that way they'll act as if they were alone.
i was just sat quietly watching them... maybe they will be more at ease when the normal family life is happening... when its just me in the day they hide a fair bit but when every one is in the front room and tv on they are always out and about lol...
I'm not 100% sure, they SEEM ok to a degree but it seems as though when Pippin goes near Gladys she gets jumpy and runs? Also was Pippin snapping at her?
not sure, i don't think so.. she did put her head down a bit when gladys came near her.. Gladys is the dominant one usually - one who rumbles the most...
Oh lol, I thought it was the other way around! They are gorgeous girlies :D Maybe one is on heat then. Cocoa was at it yesterday again, chasing Nattie this time.
I have fostered a pair of sows who got very narky with each other if one if them was in season. Much chin fencing and chasing, but after a few days all was sweetness and light again!
Well all is well..... i got up at midnight & slept on the sofa and didn't hear a peep... they are ok this morning... checked Pippin over & no more wounds... her large sore feels quite swollen though
A couple of my girls will act like this if one is in season. Having six of them means there's always a grumpy madam around somewhere! I don't think they look like they don't get on. :)
Well all is well..... i got up at midnight & slept on the sofa and didn't hear a peep... they are ok this morning... checked Pippin over & no more wounds... her large sore feels quite swollen though

Does it feel raised? Any sign of white flaking?
Does it feel raised? Any sign of white flaking?
it does feel a bit raised, doesnt look as red and raw and a bit flaky.. she has a bit of a crusty nipple too but the bit on her lip has nearly gone and her nose doesnt look any worse, just looks liked dried blood... day 2 of the anti biotics - still waiting to hear from the vets about the sample to say whether it is fungal/ringworm... had today ordered some imaverol in ready... on the plus side, not witnessed any falling out between them... lots of napping..
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