Does Rumblestrutting Occur With Two Females?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 25, 2015
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I have two female pigs. For the past hour or so I have been hearing a rumbling sound coming from them, similar to purring, and noticed that they have been walking around the cage slowly. I have noticed them doing this a couple of times before, but never paid much attention. I don't think it has ever gone on this long before. Anyway, I know that "rumblestrutting" is something that usually occurs between a male and female, but I was curious if females will do it to each other as well?
Oh yes, perfectly normal. It is a dominance thing and can occur often during piggies seasons. We have 4 girls and during a season they will rumble around for a day or two :)

have a read of this thread Sow behaviour
Yep dont worry its normal, i often find that when i put my girls in a food they really like they do it too.... especially if someone else tries to swipe it, all part of the dominance thing as sport_billy says. Bit of a verbal 'handbags at dawn' thing! with a piggy wiggle bottom going on too! LOL!

Hi , this is quite normal how old are your sows , it may be that there are some hormonal isues .
they're young. Ones about a year old and the other is about 6-7 months
That is old enough for them to need to exppress their dominance isuess,
once dominance has been estabelisherd, it may subsibe, though ocasionaly some
sows may assert there dominance when thay are in season

if you whant to know how often they come into season . Weibca has done an exalant
peice on the guinea pigs reprodutive system

see the bar at the top
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