does purring mean they are happy or scared?

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Mar 20, 2011
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I'm a bit confused because when I have lap time with my piggies they sometimes pur. I always thought that this means they are happy but something I've just read makes me wonder if its actually because they are frightened.
I think it depends on the pigs, if I have any of my pairs on my lap say Patrick, if I then take Fred out he'll go mental and Brrr, Brrr, Brrr some more well moving his bum and making excited squeaks translated where is this Guinea Pig I want to eat, also known as Rumble Strutting, Shaking that bootie lots because he can smell another male. They also 'Brrrr' if I stroke there fur against the hair growth or generally annoy them, I don't think pigs burrr because there happy.

In my opinion, it's I don't like that, Oooo someone to dominate, they also do a very sharp 'Brr' if they get a fright!
mine burrs when i snuggle her and pet her. To me it tells me she is happy and comfortable being with me
One of mine does it if he hears a loud noise and gets a fright and also if i'm touching his back because he hates that. He's never did it because he's happy. And I've never even heard my other one do it at all.
one of mine do it if they are frightened by a loud noise. the only others to do it are the boys when there rumble strutting... (brrring noise and bum wiggling)
which is a dominanace show... posturing etc.

so with my pigs it either means there scared or showing off...
hope this helps
All the pigs will give a short "brrr" to an unexpected loud noise or similiar

My boys will make this noise if they are felling amourous towards the ladies ("rumblestrutting" ) sometimes girls will do this too but none of mine have done it recently, maybe because they're all living with neutered boars.

All my laid back pigs (who aren't frightened of me) will make the same noise minus the bottom wiggling when being fussed - if I'm stroking their backs they'll lie down and stick their legs out - they definately like it alot (although when they don't want a fuss they moan at me or walk/run off.)
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Tupeny is spot on.

There are two VERY similar noises which piggies make. One is a purr and is usually a long, purring sound like a cat and expresses contentment. You know when they're making this noise because many piggies also stretch out like a cat too and you can pick up that they're happy: maybe you're cuddling them or just petting them or giving them attention/food.

The second sound is a much shorter, slightly higher pitched prr. This is usually made when there is an unknown sound, movement or thing about and expresses surprise and nervousness. You can tell when this is because they don't often make this sound when you're holding them. It will be when they're in their cage/hutch etc. and you get a short, sharp "prr" sound.

Hope this helps :)
Its the long cat like purring that they make. They do stretch out like little cats too. I'm positive that they are happy
hehe, I've never heard it called that before! You made me giggle out loud!

Of course, every pig is different! But mine do the 'Brrrgh' noise when they hear or see something unusual. They also do it when I stroke them sometimes. And I know they're not doing it because they're displeased or uncomfortable, because they tend to get snappy if I do something they dont like.
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Its the long cat like purring that they make. They do stretch out like little cats too. I'm positive that they are happy

That's great - sounds like a very content little piggy :)

When you pick Biscuit up, he does a huge, cat-like stretch so that his hind legs stick out from my hand and then he'll purr away for a bit :)
Mine do the "not so happy" burr when they here a chime or a bell. Guaranteed anytime there is music on, if there is a high pitched chime they will all "burr" at it. This includes the door bell!
From my experience with my own pigs, there are three 'brrrs'

1. 'Rumble Strutting' as someone called it. We call it their 'motor'. Its a long, deep rumbling noises accompanied by chasing, bottom wiggling, rubbing against other guinea pigs, occasional humping rolleyes My boy, Nelson, does it often. Sometimes he's just 'confused', other times he seems to do it because he wants to move Freddie out the way! Clever pig. My girls also do it at different times of the month. They're worse than Nelson!

2. 'Happy brrr' a slightly higher pitched, shorter noise that they do when they are happy. This can be either when being stroked (either way, mine do it regardless of the way you stroke them), when food is 'delivered' (especially favourites), or when they're put in the run.

3. Longer 'Happy brr' - the same as the happy brr but longer. Only heard it when stroking. Ringo used to do it a lot.

I've never heard it as an angry noise. Its generally happy with mine. :))
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