Does Neutering 1 Boar Out Of A Pair Change The Bond?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2011
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I have 2 pairs of entire boars. One of my boars, Charlie may need neutering in the future. His bond to Harry is not as strong as the other pair. Would neutering one boar change the bond of that pair? Would the entire boar try to become dominant?
I've always had boars but don't have a great deal of experience in neutering. I personally didn't notice a change in the bond between them after one was neutered.

Is there a reason why he needs to be neutered if he lives with another boy?
He has fur loss around his hind quarters and symmetrical hair loss on his abdomen. He's been to the vets and he's being treated for mites. However if it's not mites, the vet thinks he may have cushings disease. The vet suggested neutering due to hormones however I'm not keen in neutering.

I wanted to know just in case I had to get him neutered.
Thanks for your reply. :)
Aww, bless him. Fingers crossed that it's just a mite infestation! :D
Cushing's is caused by issues with the adrenal gland, which sits in front of the kidneys. It is thankfully pretty rare in guinea pigs, but common in ferrets and hamster. As a consequence, there is not much experience with treating guinea pigs with it. I have never heard of neutering (i.e. removing the testicles) as a cure for an issue with the adrenal gland, to be honest, and I would be rather reluctant to have him operated without more research.

A neutered and a full boar can happily live together, but occasionally, an operation with separation for recovery can cause a bond in adult guinea pigs to fall apart.
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