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Does My Piggie Have A Uri? :(

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 15, 2015
Reaction score
Telford, Shropshire, UK
new here so not really sure if i am doing this right :doh:

i have a 5 month only guinea pig called nutmeg but recently her cage mate died :( (i am trying to introduce a new one but it's not going well so far) but anyway, one of her nostrils is slightly runny now and then, its not all the time and its not streaming. she will also now and then wheeze which sounds kind of like a whistling sound? but again none of this is all the time just every now and then for the past few days. she has always been a sneezy piggy and it doesn't seem like she is doing it anymore than she usually does. we did try and re introduce a female guinea pig the other week but she didn't like her and they were chattering and stomping at each other so she unfortunately had to be returned to the pet store. this guinea pig had also a runny crusty nose but the vet at the store said she was allergic to the bedding. nutmeg seems fine in herself but she seems quite lonely because of gingers death (her old cage mate) and seems to want cuddles all the time, drinking has slowed down so i fed her some cucumber and broccoli to try and get her water levels back up. she mainly does this by my neck so could she possibly be allergic to my perfume? what should i do?
Hi and welcome!

Could you please add your country, state or (for the UK) your county or city to your details, as our advice will depend largely on your local options. click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.

A crusty nose is usually the sign of a URI, which is sadly anything by rare in shop piggies, so i would strongly recommend to have your girl checked, especially as her immune system is currently somewhat lowered.

How you can find a friend for your girl depends on your access to rescues. We can provide contacts to good standard rescues in several countries, but they are not evenly distributed.
Hi and welcome!

Could you please add your country, state or (for the UK) your county or city to your details, as our advice will depend largely on your local options. click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.

A crusty nose is usually the sign of a URI, which is sadly anything by rare in shop piggies, so i would strongly recommend to have your girl checked, especially as her immune system is currently somewhat lowered.

How you can find a friend for your girl depends on your access to rescues. We can provide contacts to good standard rescues in several countries, but they are not evenly distributed.

Okay i added the location. my guinea pig does not actually have a crusty nose at the minute, she just has a slightly runny one now and then. it was the other guinea pig i tried to introduce that had this but was told she is ok :D
Hello, Welcome to the forum.

You do have a great exotic vets nearby
Taylor and Marshall Vets
Hannah Bould
45 High Street
Shropshire, TF11 8BL
01952 460781

and are quite close to a great rescue in Walsall RSPCA who could help your lonely girl find a lovely new friend too.

Walsall RSPCA
Walsall, West Midlands WS3 4XR
0845 272 3570
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