Does My Guinea Pig Need A Friend ?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 2, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
so I was just woundering if gizmos behaviour suggests that he needs a friend.

He spends most of his time hiding and only really comes out for food. He squeaks every time I hold him. He dosent really like cuddles or lap time. Whenever he dosnt have a igloo to hide in he starts squeaking until I put one in. Dose he need a friend? I have found a rescue that offered to bond him with another. Should i take up on the offer ?
so I was just woundering if gizmos behaviour suggests that he needs a friend.

He spends most of his time hiding and only really comes out for food. He squeaks every time I hold him. He dosent really like cuddles or lap time. Whenever he dosnt have a igloo to hide in he starts squeaking until I put one in. Dose he need a friend? I have found a rescue that offered to bond him with another. Should i take up on the offer ?

Yes, PLEASE! :tu:
Do you think it's essential then ?

Yes, it is absolutely essential - and you will see the reason for yourself once you see Gizmo suddendly come alive in the company of others of his kind!
All the best! I hope that the dating works and that you can soon enjoy the interaction and happiness of two guinea pigs.
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