does my guinea pig hate my other guinea pig


New Born Pup
Aug 2, 2024
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hello, recently i adopted two guinea pigs, mew and sab.

i got mew a few days before sab. i kept them separated for a day and then placed them in the same cage because they didnt fight and was friendly with each other.

i attached a video below, does sab (the brown one) not like mew (the light brown and black one)? why is mew so clingy with him but sab doesnt react? I'm worried they wont get along. they dont fight and are okay with being next to each other but so far it looks like mew is the only one actively trying to be close to sab. sab just looks like he doesnt care. please help

a couple more videos of mew and sab together:
My guinea pigs never get close. The dominant one doesn't like affection. The submissive one tries to groom his cage mate but the other one just rumbles at him.
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The videos show two perfectly content Guinea pigs without any issue!
Piggies usually do not cuddle up together but it does not mean that there is a problem between them.

How long have you had them?

Do be aware that the full process takes of them creating and sorting out the fine details of their relationship takes two weeks.
They also look to be very young so once they get towards teens and settle in together you may start to see more in the way of normal dominance behaviours.

Are they boys or girls?
Be aware that two boys need a lot of space - a cage of 180x60cm is recommended. n
Two girls need 150x60cm

Ensure you have two of everything in the cage and that all hides have two exits so the dominant piggy cannot trap the other inside with no ability to exit.

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ive only had them for about a week at this point. theyre both boys. i already looked into ideal cage sizes and stuff so that shouldnt be an issue hopefully! thank you for your help i was worried they were getting stressed out by each other because sab is so unreactive.
ive only had them for about a week at this point. theyre both boys. i already looked into ideal cage sizes and stuff so that shouldnt be an issue hopefully! thank you for your help i was worried they were getting stressed out by each other because sab is so unreactive.

Unreactive is good!

Do double check you have a good sized cage - it really does matter for boys. lack of space can cause problems!
What a cute little pair of boars, they are gorgeous and they look like they are getting along very well to me