Does each piggie need there own pigloo?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
New York, USA
I have 2 male piggies and was just wondering should they each have there own pigloo? I noticed yesterday that if one is in there they sometimes wont let the other one in. I adopted them together but I'm not sure if they suddenly would stop getting along. Also they have been making a cooing noise alot , they sound like pigeons. I am a new guinea pig parent and just trying to figure all this out. Thanks!
Yes, each piggie should have access to a hidey of their own. Gives them a place of their own to feel secure in. :)
Hi and welcome!

Please give each piggy of your a hidey of some sort, as well as its own food bowl (ideally placed at least a body length away)! Even most piggies that love to snuggle up like time apart from each other. The dominant piggy in any pair will have first choice of anything.

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With boars especially it is advisable to have one each of most things like hideys, food bowls etc to avoid squabbles and territorial arguments.

It also gives them a place to feel safe. Piggies are prey animals and can get very uncomfortable with being in open spaces all the time without shelter.
I've always worked on the basis of having one hidey per pig plus one extra (if you have the room). My current pair never have less than 3 hideys plus tunnels etc. If it looks like there is any friction it may also be a good idea to make sure that the hideys have 2 exits so that one cannot get trapped inside by the other. When bonding my latest pair I found that worked well and now they are a stable pair we have gone back to having pigloos with just one exit/entrance. I also make sure there are 2 small pellet bowls and 2 veg bowls so that no-one can hog it all and it reduces friction. In many ways it's just like having children!
Thank you for all of your advice. I had 1 pigloo and 1 tunnel in the cage. I put an additional pigloo in but they seem to just follow each other from one to the other. The cage I have is the midwest guinea cage habitat so the space is kind of limited to keep 2 of everything in there.The only thing I have 2 of is the pigloos and the water bottles. They seem to be ok with sharing the hay and the pellet food. I will have to start putting 2 bowls for the veggies cause one of them do seem to hog the bowl. I bought an additional cage for them for excercise that connects to there main cage. I have set it up twice so far ( i cant leave it open permanently because of room restrictions) and they refuse to go in it. There is a ramp they have to go over and they get to the top and then chicken out. I had it set up all day today and they just stayed in there pigloo all day but once i closed it they finally came out. Ive had them about a month so far and they are still petrified of me. I have held them a few times but when I do I feel like I am torturing them because they are so scared. Any advice on how I can gain there trust?
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