Does Drew Need A Hair Cut?

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Cleve & Teddy

Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
United States, Minnesota
All of my piggies I have had have decently short hair. My new piggie Drew, about 3 months old, is getting pretty long hair. I was wondering if I should cut it for him or not? It doesnt seem to get in his way, its just really long on his back.Thank you!
ld just do a bum trim if it is getting mucky , other than that he looks great just as he is :hug:
He looks just lovely as he is :)

I'd only trim him around the bottom if it is getting mucky and in his way around his boar bits. Otherwise just leave well alone. He will need more brushing than others to keep him tangle free though.
As others have said, trim for cleanliness purposes but otherwise, you're all good. ^_^
I love wild looking piggies! But id definitely trim around the bum if it gets messy, nothing worse than walking around in your own poop and wee!
He's gorgeous! I had a really long haired guinea pig once, I trimmed his back to keep him from getting mucky and it looked good. You could always trim that rosette to keep it looking nicer, but as long as it isn't getting dirty and matted, you're fine.
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