Does anyone only have 1 guinea pig living inside?

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Does anyone have only one guinea pig living inside. I am considering gettinga guinea pig and wanted to know can they be housed on their own. I am at home all dayso it would not get lonely?
Some people do but it is generally accepted that piggies really need the company of other piggies :) Is there any particular reason you only want one? You would need a slightly bigger cage but generally the cost of keeping two isnt much more than one and watching them interact and chatter and play with one another is so cute ;)
I currently only have 1 indoor piggie. We did rescue 2 but unfortunately the sister died shortly after arrival :'( As soon as we have made our C&C cage we will be looking for another girlie as in my personal opinion piggies really do need company :)
I am a bit worried about our poorly baby Lucky. We had to separate him from Scruffy, and he was also separated in the petshop as he was constantly bullied. He is quite poorly at the moment and i get the feeling he will always have to have his own cage, but I feel so sorry for him. he has lots of cuddles, but we don't want to stress him out too much. He is upstairs in the room next to ours at the moment - we didn't want him to stay with the others downstairs as they are all very vocal and thought it might scare him or remind him of being bullied. Is it worse for him being apart from the others or were we right to bring him upstairs?
I currently only have one piggie (but I REALLY wish I could get more) but right now that isn't convenient for me as I don;t have any more extra space for another one. or two, or three. ;D but anyway, shadow has been doing just fine on his own for over six years and he doesn;t seem lonely to me eats and poops well, poops VERY well LOL. He likes me holding him over my shoulder like a baby and this seems to comfort him and it is sooo cute! but anyway, mine has done fine by himself so it really is a personal preference if you want to get another one and also depends on the pig too. :)
katiep said:
I am a bit worried about our poorly baby Lucky. We had to separate him from Scruffy, and he was also separated in the petshop as he was constantly bullied. He is quite poorly at the moment and i get the feeling he will always have to have his own cage, but I feel so sorry for him. he has lots of cuddles, but we don't want to stress him out too much. He is upstairs in the room next to ours at the moment - we didn't want him to stay with the others downstairs as they are all very vocal and thought it might scare him or remind him of being bullied. Is it worse for him being apart from the others or were we right to bring him upstairs?

he would be happier next to the other guineas, so they can chat to eachother,one of my sows bullied the other and we seperated them, but they still chat through their runs which are side by side and get along fine like that.
lavenderjade said:
Some people do but it is generally accepted that piggies really need the company of other piggies :) Is there any particular reason you only want one? You would need a slightly bigger cage but generally the cost of keeping two isnt much more than one and watching them interact and chatter and play with one another is so cute ;)
Totally 100% agree piggies NEED friends of thier own kind :)
I agree piggies need friends, it lovely to see them running round together :D
I bought mine on his own didnt know any better as was told it was ok ! dont shout at me ;D

later on i bought him a friend they got on ok but not great, he died after about a year :( but Archie is ok on his own he lives indoors with me now and i think he like s all the attention and the food !

some piggies dont like others but i think that s rare - the choice is up to you !
I have one Boar on his own in an indoor cage, he didn't get on with any of the other piggies in my shop so i took him in as they were all picking on him, he is happy enough but gets lots of attention from me.

Amy.x. :smitten:
I started off with one boar. He came from my husband's colleague who was moving house. He had previously been housed with another boar but they fought and he was badly bitten.

Once we got him settled in with us (about 6 weeks or so) and got his mites/fungal problem sorted and the bite wounds properly healed we bought Bob for him.

Bob is 10 weeks old now and he and John get on just fine. First few days were pretty intense rumbling, etc and at times I wasn't sure if they would be friends. But now they are both happy piggies with each other.

I'd say once you get him settled in then try another piggie in with him. and if they don't get on then have them in the same cage but living side by side so they can still see/hear/smell each other.
Or go to a rescue centre and let him choose a friend.

Piggies are social animals and should be in pairs or groups! If you insist on keeping a lone piggy, you could get one from a rescue that doesnt like other guineas...

If a guinea has no friends, it should live indoors and have LOTS AND LOTS of attention IMO :)
I have a boar, on his own, living indoors. He is a rescue and apparantly has always lived alone. I take him to work with me every day, so he gets lots of attention.

When I move in with my boyfriend and I have more space, I am planning on building a c&c cage, which is 8 x 2, divided in half. I am going to get a baby boar for him and 2 girlies for the other half. I was going to get him neutered, but to save the risk he can still interact and see the other girls (and be with the boar) through the gaps.
Mine is on his own he was outside but he indoors with me now, you get a better pet with them indoors with you so much tamer!

I'm a full time mum so I'm at home and he does get plenty of attention.

My archies a spoilt little piggie :smitten:
PerfectPiggies said:
Piggies are social animals and should be in pairs or groups! If you insist on keeping a lone piggy, you could get one from a rescue that doesnt like other guineas...

If a guinea has no friends, it should live indoors and have LOTS AND LOTS of attention IMO :)

not only that, also if the piggy is living outdoors it needs to be warm.
Over night there are temperature changes of a few degrees that we are not even aware of, but the piggies most certainly are, and if you have two or more they cuddle together for warmth if need be. A piggy alone cant do that, so it is also in the interest for piggies health to keep more than one.
I had 1 guinea but then I got another ,, Patchy *First guinea* was alone and very lonley within a matter of days but now I have got him Toby *Second guinea* he is fine . If you are getting a simple Nero 3 Cage *sold at PAH* >
Then that will fit 2 guineas
Patchy said:
If you are getting a simple Nero 3 Cage *sold at PAH* >
Then that will fit 2 guineas

Space is the key to getting boars to live together happily. My friend had two boars in one of those and they fought constantly. Ever since she moved them to a large C&C there have been no problems.
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