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Does anyone know what this sound is all about?


New Born Pup
Apr 21, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all! I have a two and a half year old guinea pig. For the six months that I have had her, I have noticed from time to time she makes these odd sounds that almost sound like she is having a difficult time breathing. I Have not taken her to the vet since I got her and I am unsure if her previous family has taken her in for a check up. She only seems to make these noises for an hour or so at a time and It is on and off again. I am wondering if anyone has some ideas of what could be going on! I am considering taking her to the vet for a check up!
Please click on the link to listen to her! Thank you everybody!
Carmen’s odd noises
Hi Lauren it does sound like a possible respiratory infection but I am not an expert. I would suggest you have Carmen checked by a Vet. Even minor infections can develop into something more serious when a short course of antibiotics could sort it out. Also think about bedding e.g. some are allergic to wood shavings or other environmental factors. Good luck.