Does anyone else's Guinea Pigs Bite?

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Jan 6, 2010
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United Kingdom.
I'll admit it, I love my Guinea Pig loads but she can bite a lot.
I must admit I spoil her, but who on here dosen't?

Sometimes when I go to stroke her she'll make a weird noise (when guinea pigs are scared and they make that purring noise - she does that but only when I get close to her or stroke her)

She's currently hiding in a dressing gown I gave to her but if I move it she'll make an annoyed sound.

Everytime I try and Pick her up she'll bite me. Most of the time I stroke her, she'll bite.

Does anyone know how to stop her from biting? or just calm her down?

Help will be much appreciated.
Yes mine nip me when they don't want to be hugged. It is really frustrating because pigs aren't supposed to bite. I don't have an answer I am afraid but just wanted you to know you are not alone! :x
If they weren't so cute, I wouldn't be laughing with you! :(|)

How should you react when they bite? I don't want them to think if they bite, they get to go home, but I don't want to shout at them?
Mine don't bite lol... Just thought I'd share!

Fred is to terrified to ever bite... maybe fear helps :p
Archie is a little nipper, when he doesn't want you to pick him up, or when he is relaxing under our dining table and you go to stroke him, his way of letting you know leave me in piece.:))
I used to have a biter once. It took quite some time, but I got her to tweak me only when she had good reason (like being stuffed with yucky medicine!).

Take your time - most of it is fright! Don't touch her right now, but offer her little treats on your lap, so she associates your hands with something nice. Later, when she is comfortable with that, start touching her "accidentally" until she stops reacting and then slowly take it from there...
I also have one biter out of 10. 9 never have and one new boy who has bitten me on 2 occassions. He's petrified and doesn't bite every handling.

I am getting him used to me and food, he wont always take it but I hope we'll get there.
Mine only bite when i cut their claws.Kim in particular has drawn blood on more than one occasion.Otherwise they are fine.
i've only had one really bad bit & that was when i put harry & ben together i decided in my wise wisdom when they started fight to go foe ben as he was smaller big mistake he got me good but now when he has a cuddle he goes & checks to make sure my little scar is ok bless him

i would do what others have said talk to her before you pick her up & feed some of the foods she likes with your hands it all takes time but its worth it you'll get it sorted
Well I've had my Guinea Pig for 5 years. So she should be used to me picking her up. But sometimes I think she has this 'cba' moment where all she wants to do is eat or stay in her house. I don't blame her but I try to get her out every day :)

thanks for your help anyway guys :D
I'm guessing it's just a thing that a lot of Guinea Pigs do. I'm used to it but sometimes it can really hurt and make me bleed. She's quite content sat with my dad at the moment. I'll leave her for now :)
one of my boys Rowdee niped me on the nose last nite whilst we were sat on sofa. He then licked my cheek. maybe his way of saying sorry? :(|)
my bandits a bit of a biter as well! hes only about 3 months old and his teeth are a bit sharp. He is settled and used to being petted and only seems to do it when he has had a little treat like a yogurt drop and wants more! Austin just nibbles and licks.
Mine are biters, sometimes they bite a bit too hard, but they've got used to what 'ouch' means and usually look quite alarmed like they didn't mean to do it that bad.
I'll admit it, I love my Guinea Pig loads but she can bite a lot.
I must admit I spoil her, but who on here dosen't?

Sometimes when I go to stroke her she'll make a weird noise (when guinea pigs are scared and they make that purring noise - she does that but only when I get close to her or stroke her)

She's currently hiding in a dressing gown I gave to her but if I move it she'll make an annoyed sound.

Everytime I try and Pick her up she'll bite me. Most of the time I stroke her, she'll bite.

Does anyone know how to stop her from biting? or just calm her down?

Help will be much appreciated.
This is properly been said since I haven't bothered reading every post but:

I have two guinea pigs, Africa && Corly. Corly is a baby, I think he's 3 months old now, he bites, not much but it's a proper bite when he does. Africa nibbles but for almost 1 half years of having him in my life he was terrifired of me, wouldn't come near me when I came into the room, he's a skittish guinea pig but he was really bad, wouldn't let me touch him if I tried to pick him up...

Basically I don't know how to deal with biters but Africa... scared guinea pigs. Be slow with them, if it means you sitting by the cage for 10 minutes and then leaving, be it so. Then hold your arm in the cage, just leave it there... obv do these a few times until the guinea pig becomes more natural behaving around you (none stressed or scared). Then slowly reach towards her, maybe don't touch her, but showher your hand means no harm... eventually you should stroke her, top of head or shoulders, never the bum or back side <-- ive noticed the domanice thing there, africa hates it, he'll sqirm and jump about. Eventually you'll stroke her properly and then you'll be able to pick her up, maybe having something soft like a towel and sit quietly... I did this with africa for a long time and now he doesn't give to hoots what I do =]
My Scully has an occasionally nip at me but only when I'm trying do his nails or something where I have to hold him...I put it down to him simply not liking being bossed around by me!

Like you I have spoilt mine rotten, Mulder is too shy natured and would never bite...but Scully is so confident if he doesn't like something he has learnt that that's how to tell me! Very rarely do I pick him up, instead I pop the carry cot in the cage and he jumps in it for me to pick him up, then I put it next to me and he gets out of his own accord and sits on my lap. He's very loving, spreads out all over me, resting his head on the side, popcorning but he just doesn't like being controlled.

Perhaps you could try something like this? Also, never pick up from behind, or stoke from behind, let him smell your hand before gently stoking his head. Just build up the trust on his terms, he sounds like a confident piggy so let him feel like he's in control! :)
biting piggy

i express my sympathy! one of my girls trixie bites, but only sometimes. its usually to say she's had enough of cuddle time, or she needs a wee. i only really hold her/have her on my lap for about 5 - 10 mins then she gets jiffly, so i put her ***. she's a very sociable girl though, and always wants a fuss hwen you walk past.
the only one out of my girls who bites is Bella and she has never bitten me. She has bitten my boyfriend on more than one occaision and she bit my stepdad when he tried to pet her through the bars of the cage. Silver just licks and has the odd nibble, but i wouldnt really call that biting as she barely even uses her teeth. MJ is more of a sniffer, doesnt bite doesnt lick but likes to snuffle about. I wonder if it is just a security thing, sometimes it can be a dominance issue, i know Weibke and some other forum members had offered some really good advice on a previous thread about disciplining a dominant piggy and gently letting them know that you are boss and that it is not acceptable to bite... just an idea if the biting continues
it seemed a good idea to mention the link because, as i think was also discussed in the thread, it would do no good to punish them as you would a child because they wont understand. For the best results, learn to speak piggy (and not the wheeking noise we all make when we're talking to them ;) haha) definitely cant hurt to try :) Thanks for posting the link :)
None of mine bite or have every bitten and i have 13 boys, even though some have been treated badly before going to rescue and did previously have biting issues,Cooper tried once but that was with bad fungal and an abscess which i accidently pushed on when i didnt know it was there so really it was my own fault and he had good reason;).
The way i see it guinea pigs should never bite,the only ones i have ever known that do are either sick/stressed or have major behaviour issues from a bad past.
Not to put a downer on it but things like yoghurt drops because they are dairy and piggies cannot have dairy they seem to be a consistent reason for pigs to bite i think they play havoc with digestive system and health which therefore affects behaviour,
Time and gentle love is what they need xx
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