Does Anyone Elses Gp's Do This?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score
Crunchie (the ginger abssynian) has only started doing this since her hormones went back to normal after her hormone injection for ovarian cyst. She is so much happier now and hasnt rumbled once. She does this to fudge now and I'm wondering what it is? Shes pretty much licking her eye? I dont think fudge minds infact as you can see, shes nudging her to do it again! Never saw this before!

Looks like she's grooming her :) My boys do this - Stewart tends to groom Junior's eye quite a bit :) I've been told somewhere that it's a sign of trust, and also something to do with dominance (though I'm not entirely sure on that one!) But that if Crunchie seems to be doing it to one particular eye of Fudge, it could be that there is something a little wrong and to monitor it :)
Looks like she's grooming her :) My boys do this - Stewart tends to groom Junior's eye quite a bit :) I've been told somewhere that it's a sign of trust, and also something to do with dominance (though I'm not entirely sure on that one!) But that if Crunchie seems to be doing it to one particular eye of Fudge, it could be that there is something a little wrong and to monitor it :)

Crunchie is top pig and always has been, just as fudge has been most submissive so i could believe that! Her eye looks fine and i think its been both eyes. The first time i thought she was biting her eye and nearly had a heart attack! I think its sweet too, just odd as its new to me!
It's the piggy version of kisses and cuddles. ;)

Grooming around the ear is friendly dominance, when it is around the eye, it is simply a sign of affection irrespective of their standing on the hierarchy and practiced by underpiggies as well as top piggies. Piggies reaffirm their bond that way, especially after a strong season or a difficult time, during stress, illness or after a separation. Or just because...
It is very cute :) My boys do it because Junior isn't very good at cleaning his eyes now he's older, so Stewart is helping him :) I love seeing them do it, always makes us go aww :)
Aw! I've seen mine do this before, often after a separation (like a day-long vet visit) or other stressful event or during bonding with two new friends who had accepted one another.
Crunchie was separated up until 2 days after her hormone injection (except at free range time) because after a short time her rumbling became constant along with mounting and head butting. She's so relaxed and content now, it's amazing!
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