New Born Pup
my piggie’s name is penny, and she’s almost 4 and a half years old. about 4 months ago, she began to develop a lump. i got it checked out by the vet, and she said that it didn’t feel attached to any organs and it was pretty squishy, so she wasn’t too concerned about it. however, it began to slightly grow, so i took her to the vet today for an aspirate. she hasn’t lost any weight since she was last there, and she’s eating and drinking ok. i thought doing the aspirate was more for my own peace of mind, because i didn’t know that it was that bad, but i’m happy i did it. the vet looked at the cells in house and said that it is most likely carcinoma. we decided to send the aspirate out to a specialist to determine whether or not it is cancer, and they sent us home with some meloxicam. i am absolutely heart broken over this. i feel awful for not getting the aspirate done sooner. the vet said that if it is cancer, we have the option to remove it, but because of her age, we should probably either euthanize her, or make her comfortable until she passes. has anybody else had a pig with carcinoma? if so, how long did they live after the diagnosis? the vet said she seems like she’s doing great, and the tumor was really slow growing. any advice or information on this type of cancer would help me a lot