do your piggies make a noise when they wash themselves?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2009
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maisie does but it's hard to describe the noise. :{ it's more when she grooms her body.

does anyone know what i mean? ?/
Like a snorty/grunty noise?

hmmm yes, i think so. it's hard to describe. when they wash their face it's like a saliva noise, and then when they turn to groom their sides it's like a grunty squeaky kind of noise?

i just wondered if this was normal, or whether her nose was irritated. she's very sensitive to dust etc so sometimes she makes that noise quite loudly and other times not much at all.
Yes, it's a snuffly noise. I do hear it sometimes.

Meggy Moo sounds like a fog horn when washing....

Maisie isn't making at at other times is she?
Yes, it's a snuffly noise. I do hear it sometimes.

Meggy Moo sounds like a fog horn when washing....

Maisie isn't making at at other times is she?

occasionally she does yes. usually when i have put fresh hay in, and sometimes when eating pellets aswell.

i have had her checked over three times for this same noise over the last few years and there is never anything wrong. it's like she is easily irritated, when i change the hay, when i clean the house, that kind of thing.

i always panic but then it settles down again.

i heard it last night and was worried again, but this morning it seems to have gone again. i thought if it was a uri then it would get worse, not come and go like it does. and the vet keeps reassuring me that there is nothing wrong, and she just seems sensitive to dust etc. her chest is always clear and her heartbeat sounds good aswell so he said keep an eye on her and if it does become more frequent then bring her in.

the heating has been on alot higher aswell so maybe that has dried out her airways.
This sounds normal to me. Only my Amina does it. It sounds very much like a little pig!
Awhh none of mine make a grooming noise! However because they are all long haired it looks like they're head banging. I appreciate my lil rocker pigs lol:))
put your chin on your chest and breathe in through your constricts your airways, and you'll probably make snorty noises too!

oh my goodness, this had me laughing so much last night. i tried it and o/h looked horrified! i snuffled very loudly indeed! he said he never wants to see that again! :))
just to add - she isn't making any noise again now so it must have been a bit of dust again. and me panicking as usual rolleyes
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