Do your pets have pet names?


Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 13, 2023
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(For those who have never heard the term before, or, whose first language is not English, a 'pet name' is a nickname or a term of endearment given to family, friends, pets etc.)

Minerva's are Min-Min, Babba or Trouble, depending on what she's doing...

Gaia's are 'Your Majesty' (of course... :roll: ) and Fatty - if I really want to get her attention (and on her bad side).
Mine have several each, not all of them are suitable to mention here! :)) Especially Bertie's since he bit me last week. The ones most in use at the moment, I seem to have decided elongated names are in!

Red - Reddy Roo
Brillo - Brilly Brew
Freddie - Freddie Frew
Timmy - Timmy Toggles
Duck - Ducky Do
Bertie - Bertie Boo
Brillo and my surname are a right tongue twister. I've noticed the vets only call out Brillo now when he goes for his 6 monthly health check. I think they've given up trying. :))
A long time ago, I had a dog called Machynlleth... (named after a Welsh town. I'm not Welsh and have never lived in that particular town). Never thought about how the vets would manage when it came to calling her name out. The very first vet she had to see called it out with no trouble though and he didn't seem to be Welsh either.
My guinea pigs don't have pet names but my cats did.
Dr Seuss was also Little Squid and occasionally Butter Paws, on account of being clumsy as a kitten and prone to falling off things (once he accidently joined me in the bath).
Gingerbread was always Gingerbread except when the Olympics were on and then he became Team GB. And my vet called him Mr Bread!
My guinea pigs don't have pet names but my cats did.
Dr Seuss was also Little Squid and occasionally Butter Paws, on account of being clumsy as a kitten and prone to falling off things (once he accidently joined me in the bath).
Gingerbread was always Gingerbread except when the Olympics were on and then he became Team GB. And my vet called him Mr Bread!
Mr Bread sounds so cute and formal at the same time. :wub:
I have too many pets to share all their ‘pet names’ but here are a few that stand out and I use the most!..

Newton: pootain 😂
Olive: Olive button
Emily: Emzlee

Binki (horse): Stinky
Melody (chicken): Mel’s bells
Roxy (chicken) : Rocks your socks / Doxy

Fergus (dog): Burger, strongle, Bongle..
Brilliant thread,
Dignified Sir George is Georgie porgie or Chunky.
Mischievous Master Boris has an unmentionable nickname that begins with S and rhymes with Chunky. Sir George was VERY enthusiastic with the humping when they first met!
This american can't figure out Master Boris' unmentionable nickname! 🤔🤣
@Scooter Pie, Poor Master Boris had to get wiped down several times on the first day of the bonding 🤣. It's a slang word for the hooman version of boar glue.
The Daddy Slave started calling him that and it stuck .... literally!
His original name was Henry but we thought he looked like Boris Johnson....
Mine think their names are *bag rustling*

It's the only thing they respond to.

Tell a lie, Gaia also actually responds to Fatty.

She turns her head so fast, I fear one day she'll get whiplash and she always looks irritated so I think she understands that the word is meant to offend and offended she is.