Do you think guinea pigs know....?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 31, 2011
Reaction score
Forres, Scotland
As some might know, Nibbler had coccidiosis, and just as someone on here warned me, it came back ten-fold and completely ravaged her system. The past month has been such a struggle, over the course of both cases of the parasite she lost about 300g in weight and the only thing keeping her alive were all the drugs and recovery.

Nibbler was given the all clear last week, no traces of coccidia in her feces at all, so she was taken off her antibiotics and kept on her probiotic to give her gut chance to get back to normal. This morning she *finally* put on weight, and a whole 20g at that! Naturally I'm overjoyed, and as a bonus not only is she seeming like her old self again, but she seems a whole lot more affectionate than she ever used to be. Last night when we got back she was continuously at the side of her cage wanting some fuss, and was purring so much, she just couldn't get enough.

Do you think this is her way of telling us that she knows we helped her to feel better and how much she appreciates everything?
I am sure she knows and that she enjoyed all the fuss and love you gave her.
I think piggies know and understand alot more than we give them credit for.

I remember when marmite went to the vets, he was usually quite timid and scared but he purposefully ran to me and hid with me, and i knew it was because he found some form of comfort in my scent and in being close to me.

I think they appreciate the same way a person would appreciate the other person giving the medication or taking them to where makes them feel better ! (:
Yeah I think so. When Jerry is scared he runs up my fore arm and hides his nose between my elbow and hip squeaking. When I stroke and talk to reassure him, he knows its alright brings his nose out and relaxes.
Each GP has their own personality and show affection and appreciation in their own way! :)
Sure they do!
They know their mummies and daddies as well, even if you don't think so. The rabbit, who never shows us any real affection, when we took him to the vet raced straight up my mum's shoulder and hid with me when we sat on the floor. They really do know who looks after them and feeds them. It's part of what makes them so special!
I absolutely think that they know and relate to us... one of my pigs gave me a fairly nasty bite while I was trying to clip her nails (she panics with nail clipping!) Afterwards, when she was sitting on my knee she came and laid her chin across my arm and kept looking up towards me... she has never done that specifically either before or since. I think she was aware that she hurt me and was trying to make amends.
I've had 2 pigs that were previously not particularly easy to handle etc. (not had them that long, both rescue pigs), and after an illness, the daily medicating, feeding etc. they were both so much more used to being handled, and happier about it
I definitely think they know.

Little Frosty knew this last week that we were trying to help him and so did Buzz when he was fighting his pneumonia, whereas now he is a little git with his daily meds, thinks he doesn't need us anymore.
I believe not only our piggies but all of our "fur babies" (I just call them my babies:)) ) know that we love them and only want good for them. I haven't had a sick piggy before thank goodness, and hopefully won't in the future, but I had a badly injured kitty.

My kitty is named Pooh and when I lived with my mom a little over a year ago we came home from eating dinner at a restaraunt when he cam limping (almost dragging himself) onto the front porch. He was hit by our neighbor (the only other people on the road) and had broken something near his rear end. We took him to the vet the next morening because when we called that night they said he should be fine through the night. He ended up tearing the ligaments that hold together his back knee.

We had to keep him confined to my bedroom for about a week or two so he wouldn't go up and down the steps, but since he insisted to cuddle on the bed we made steps out of laundry baskets to get on there. He had a blanket with food and water right next to it set up in the bedroom so he didn't have to walk unless he needed to. Afterwards he is much more lovable to my boyfriend and I and now tries to cuddle with the vet.:))
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