Junior Guinea Pig
As some might know, Nibbler had coccidiosis, and just as someone on here warned me, it came back ten-fold and completely ravaged her system. The past month has been such a struggle, over the course of both cases of the parasite she lost about 300g in weight and the only thing keeping her alive were all the drugs and recovery.
Nibbler was given the all clear last week, no traces of coccidia in her feces at all, so she was taken off her antibiotics and kept on her probiotic to give her gut chance to get back to normal. This morning she *finally* put on weight, and a whole 20g at that! Naturally I'm overjoyed, and as a bonus not only is she seeming like her old self again, but she seems a whole lot more affectionate than she ever used to be. Last night when we got back she was continuously at the side of her cage wanting some fuss, and was purring so much, she just couldn't get enough.
Do you think this is her way of telling us that she knows we helped her to feel better and how much she appreciates everything?
Nibbler was given the all clear last week, no traces of coccidia in her feces at all, so she was taken off her antibiotics and kept on her probiotic to give her gut chance to get back to normal. This morning she *finally* put on weight, and a whole 20g at that! Naturally I'm overjoyed, and as a bonus not only is she seeming like her old self again, but she seems a whole lot more affectionate than she ever used to be. Last night when we got back she was continuously at the side of her cage wanting some fuss, and was purring so much, she just couldn't get enough.
Do you think this is her way of telling us that she knows we helped her to feel better and how much she appreciates everything?