before you read this post:
Soory i no this is so silly and childish, but i want to see if people hate me or like me, i feel really insecure about these things lately (dont ask me why) and just wanted to no. If you dont want to tell me, could you please vote on the pole?it makes me feel more comfortable knowing who likes me and doesn't, i hate looking like an idiot.
- i did mark it has immature
- please do not moan about it being a waste of post, we wont run out of posts you no!
- i am not looking for sypamthy.
- if you dont want to read it, simply ignore it and not answer!
Soory i no this is so silly and childish, but i want to see if people hate me or like me, i feel really insecure about these things lately (dont ask me why) and just wanted to no. If you dont want to tell me, could you please vote on the pole?it makes me feel more comfortable knowing who likes me and doesn't, i hate looking like an idiot.