Do you know how to make Cosys

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I am feeling creative, and would like to have a go at making some cosy's or hammocks. I was wondering if any one had any patterns or knew a site where they do the patterns for them? :)
That's a good idea we have a great fabric shop in Liverpool and I'd love to get sowing! :D
If I can't find any patterns, I may just design my own, but I thought it could keep me busy and I'd enjoy doing it myself.
I looked on ebay at some of their cosy's and I think its alot of money for what they ask for when you can buy a sheet of fleece for £1.
If anyone has any ideas, I am open to any ;)
;D I think thats my problem, I have the passion but not the ability. What I start to sew doesn't end up looking like I had intended to do :embarassed:
That web is a good link and a start, thanks hun, started to get excited now O0
i'm planning to have a go at some hammocks for my chins (no piggies at the mo) but i bet their weight will break anything my hardwork will achieve ;D
Hehehe ;D
I was wondering, do you think foam/stuffing material is placed inside between the fleece?
I made my pigs a hammock once and they love it ;) Also made them a little cusion (really simple and easy!) and they like that too..

am looking on that site for some ideas now though ;D :smitten:
Piggeroo said:
Hehehe ;D
I was wondering, do you think foam/stuffing material is placed inside between the fleece?
some of the ones i've bought don't, they appear to be fleece on the outside and "sherpa" on the inside because it is comfy? or more difficult to chew? :-\

you could alwasy stuff it with left-over fleece! ;)

you will have to post pictures when you are done :)
Thanks for that, good tip too. I am just in the process of making one, but its just a rough sketch as I have no patterns to work from, so just making it up as I go along, with my mom's help of course ;D
Never realised how time consuming it is just to make a tiny thing. Fair enough though it is quite fiddly the shape I am doing. I may just think up doing a square shaped one. We have given up tonight lol.
I made mine some fleece pouches and they love them and it only took 5 mins. I used some fleece blanket they are dead cheap from places like tesco etc and cut it to the desired shape sew both sides and folded the top and sewed that to create a nice finish a hem is it lol and then turned it in the right way and hey presto one piggy pouch!
I think I should have a go at making the simpler square shapes rather than the circular ones. I always jump in feet first ;D
If you can, put like.....cottony fabric on the outside as the fleece reeeally attracts bedding ;D
I have made sleeping bags and tents before but can't remember what i did with them. :)
I think i will make some more, i just need to get some more fleece and wire coat hangers.
Alison said:
I have made sleeping bags and tents before but can't remember what i did with them. :)
I think i will make some more, i just need to get some more fleece and wire coat hangers.

If you do get to make any, then please show them to us O0
Hi everyone i was thinking about this the other day i looked at the price and thought i could make the same thing a lot cheaper i was thinking get some wire make a circle big enough for the opening for a piggie and make a stand going from the circle like another circle to rest on the floor so the circle is suported upright then make your fleese tube around the wire double thinkness so the base can go inside material and you could even wrap the fleese around the opening with presstuds so it can be took off frame and washed i hope i have got what i mean accros when i get material and have a go i will let youi all know :smitten: Emmaxx
Again, I dont think you should use wire, a stiff material would be a lot better. Wire is potentially very very dangerous :)
There are lots of houses and tunnels on the market that have wire in them.
I usually make a hem on mine to thread the wire through and cut a slit at each end so that it can be removed for washing. As long as the wire is completely covered in material i can't see that it would cause an injury.
Have you never seen a guinea chew? ? Anyone that has a cheeky boar will know how destructive they can be! And once its out, its not going to potentially stab or blind them?

I personally havent seen anything with wire in.....I know a couple of people that have ebay shops selling pouches and hammocks, and none of them would use wire :)

But you do what you think :)
I won't be using wire, more to the reason it can rust too. It would be safer to use harder materials. I have given up at the moment, once I have that motivation to make somehting I will have another try :)
I'd like to see everyone elses creations though. Hey that link of how to make the bed out of a sweat shirt is a great idea :)
Yea, I was going through some links on making a small pet bed, some are really good but also really complicated, so this is the simplest one i could find. Now to hunt for an old shirt, lol...
I'm thinking of making some of that no sew stuff on the sugar slider you think it matters that the edges are frilly therefore they could chew them or will they be fine?
Those edges would be fine :) they'd have nothing to chew to, so I doubt they would bother chewing it. I like the idea of the no sewing, but I am just not that keen on frilly things lol (personal preference).
Good luck and be sure to show us your finished piece ;)
Wow this is awesome! Why can't I find anything on here that tells you how to make these things. I must be typing the wrong things in google :tickedoff:
Thank you so much. This is goign to be a great help. If anyone has any other links, please share :)
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