Do pigs dig?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 29, 2010
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Do guinea pigs like to dig?

I am thinking of enclosing the area under the trampoline as my next piggy project inbreeding. The problem is that it gets very dry under there and the grass doesn't grow so it is mostly just very hard, dry mud with grass at the edges.

It would make a huge run as the area is a big circle 10 feet (3 metres) in diameter so they could run about to their hearts' content. It would have a natural sun cover as the bed of the trampoline.

I am wondering if they would like the environment and if they are likely to try and dig their way out or even if it would be of no interest at all to them as they cannot really graze under there because of the lack of grass?

I am also guessing that it could get pretty hard to catch them in such a big area although they are pretty good at climbing into their shoebox when it is time to go in.

It would be nice to get some ideas from other people before I start the project in case it would not work. What do you think?
They don't really seem to dig.

As long as the ground is dry it should be ok, you can put some food out for them and they can run around in the fresh air. It might be hard to catch them like you said.

It might be hard to clean though . . .

I assume nobody will be jumping on the trampoline when they're under there :)

I'm finding it kinda hard to imagine, would they get a lot of light under there (even without direct sunlight)? And how high off the ground is the trampoline? It's something I would never have thought of but could work well I'm sure :)
Guinea pigs do not dig, but you need to make sure that no other animal is using it as well and you have to supervise if it's an open run.
They don't really seem to dig.

As long as the ground is dry it should be ok, you can put some food out for them and they can run around in the fresh air. It might be hard to catch them like you said.

It might be hard to clean though . . .

I assume nobody will be jumping on the trampoline when they're under there :)

I'm finding it kinda hard to imagine, would they get a lot of light under there (even without direct sunlight)? And how high off the ground is the trampoline? It's something I would never have thought of but could work well I'm sure :)

It is quite high (waist height) and although noone would jump on it while they were in there (as it would scare them) it would not be an issue as the bed does not go down anywhere near that far and the only user is practically a scarecrow!

It would be quite shady, light wise, but I was assuming that they would like that.

It would not be a run for them to live in as I have indoor pigs. It was for them to run around. I have a very small garden and the trampoline takes up half of the space on the lawn so I was thinking that it would make more efficient use of the space.
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Guinea pigs do not dig, but you need to make sure that no other animal is using it as well and you have to supervise if it's an open run.

Bunny does not use a run, she is free range in the garden, so there would only be the piggies. It is not open as the bed of the trampoline would form the top. That is the attraction, I could have a huge run without having to make a top for it.
Sounds good! That's way higher than I thought it would be. :) It would give you space to crawl in and catch them easier too.

I think it should work. :)

And with it being quite high off the ground it shouldn't be too dark, just shady.

As long as it's not muddy under there, just dry ground, you could also put down some houses or beds for them and lots of treats. I think it's great for pigs to get some time outdoors, so it should be good.

You'll have to put up photos too, it'll be such an unusual run :)
Sounds like a great idea! You can always put trays of grass in or scatter dandilion leaves about for them!
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