Do piggies wheek for no reason?

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Dec 29, 2009
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Istanbul, Turkey
Seriously everytime I go near the boys cage they wheek! They have just been fed a load of veggies and are happily munching away but as I walked past them they stopped munching and started wheeking loudly!

So is there any other reason for wheeking apart from hunger? What are they trying to tell me?
If they do not bolt shortly after 'wheeking', it simply means they would like some attention - or more food! :))
Hi i'm very new and don't have any piggies yet but please what is wheeking ? Sorry I am just trying to learn as much as poss before adopting.

Kind regards x:(|)
Well my guinea pigs wheek when they hear me open the plastic bag(food) Maybe they thought you were giving them food? :D
Wheeking can mean many things among the list i have observed from my boys even if they have just been fed is

"I hear another plastic bag feed me again"
"i want pellets even though I'm already fat"
" more hay you can never have enough!"
"a stranger arrived! wheek so they will feed you or give you attention"

its all food and love pretty much lol, like when i come home the pigs wheek, even after they have just had there morning veg they wheek whenever i open the fridge,rustle a bag, cut up food, boil the kettle for a coffee, flush the toilet, turn on the tv, walk past there room, its so endless lol and mine are fat so that definantely proves that they arent underfed, your piggies are just trying for extra food and attention xx
Hi i'm very new and don't have any piggies yet but please what is wheeking ? Sorry I am just trying to learn as much as poss before adopting.

Kind regards x:(|)

It is like a cute, happy little scream, hard to describe but it sounds like 'wheek' over and over - someone has a link to sounds somewhere - I used to like playing it to my boys and they start acting all protective of each other! :(|)
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