Do Piggies Mind Us Going Away?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Plutonian living in Surrey.
Okay, not sure where to put this, but anyway-
I'd like to know if going on holiday upsets piglets? Would they get anxiety? Miss us? I feel like a mother with a newborn baby- no care except mine is good enough! Really, though, even if we found an excellent..what's the word? Boarding place, would the boys be upset without us? Then there's the nightmare scenario of them getting ill...
I think if you send them to a boarding house you must just be very sure to do your research very thoroughly beforehand to make sure the boarding house will care for them properly.

I'm pretty sure all animals find boarding houses stressful, but if it's your only option then just make sure you choose a good one.

A less stressful option for the pigs would be a trusted petsitter to stay in your house with them while you're away. That way they stay in the environment they're comfortable in.
Mine are fine when I go away, it's just when I return they tend to be a bit quieter, almost in a mood for leaving them, but they soon come round after a few pieces of their favourite food and chin tickles.
My mum's started looking forward to when we go away, as it means she can come over and (her words) "spoil the grandchildren". Knowing someone I trust is coming to feed and clean them is a massive relief, and the pigs don't seem to mind :)
I am going to have to use a boarding place. Am a bit worried about the noise of the other guinea pigs as at the moment I only have my two.
We go away in May for our wedding and the piggies are going to a local boarding place...just like the dogs will be going to kennels! They will be fine :nod:
I think as long as you know they will be somewhere safe with people who know what they are dong then they will be fine.

We have a pet sitter come in twice a day when we are away, and when we get home the piggies are always a bit quiet for the first 24 hours.
I think this is because they are used to pretty much constant noise and comings and goings, and when we are gone it is a LOT quieter. I guess they wheek less because there is less rustling of plastic bags and opening of the fridge!

But they are fine and I do try not to worry.
The pet sitter sends photos too which helps a lot.
Ultimately it is simply not possible for most people to never go away, so as long as you have a good plan for their care then they will be fine.
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