Do Piggies Dream.....

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 1, 2015
Reaction score
So our rex sometimes squeaks and bubbles in his sleep. It's so cute.
He was all healthy when he had his health check, from a recommended vet. And never shows any sign of pain, discomfort, etc when awake or in non 'squeaky' sleep.
Do your piggies seem to dream?
I don't know the answer to this but I would guess yes. I know other animals like dogs do so why not piggies?
Pixel's ears sometimes flap when she's asleep (very very funny to watch) - I guess if that's the same as cats' and dogs' twitchy dreams then yes :)
Yes they do, archie has sleep talked (weird sounding squeeks, much like how when humans sleep talk, it sounds different to normal speech), he wriggles in his sleep from time to time. I always think hes dreaming of running around when he wriggles. I think all animals dream.
Yes they do, archie has sleep talked (weird sounding squeeks, much like how when humans sleep talk, it sounds different to normal speech), he wriggles in his sleep from time to time. I always think hes dreaming of running around when he wriggles. I think all animals dream.

Sounds just like Rex :)
Lol! I imagine they probably do. It would be so neat to know exactly what they dream about! My dog was dreaming the other night on the couch beside me and I put my hand on her back leg to pet her and she shot up with a snarl! I think she felt quite remorseful right away because she looked as shocked as I did! Haha! I wonder what she was dreaming about? More like a night terror :)
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