Do my piggies not get along?


New Born Pup
Jun 1, 2018
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Hello! I recently got my second pair of piggies, they're around 3 months old and brothers. Their names are Wilbur and Freddie, and I absolutely adore them. However, I am worried they aren't getting along great. My previous pair got along great and never had any issues, but this time around it's different. They have not had a full-blown fight with biting, blood, or intent to hurt, so that's good. However, Freddie (dominant pig) chases Wilbur around a lot – it looks normal, and Wilbur doesn't seem too bothered other than the fact that he has to leave his spot. They chatter their teeth quite a lot, most of the time it's pretty quiet, but a couple times now it's gotten a bit louder. It should be mentioned that Wilbur has the start of an upper respiratory infection, but is getting treatment and will hopefully feel better soon. They purr, squeak, and whine at each other all the time, but on the flip side, they mostly sit together in harmony, they have no issues sharing their houses most of the time, and even though they get separate food plates, they have no issue at all eating from the same plate and sharing their food. Just today they were all snuggled up under one of their bridges :luv:. But it worries me that they still chatter their teeth at each other many times a day and that Freddie chases Wilbur around, even if it's mild. I made the mistake of having houses with only an entrance and no exit (which I, of course, fixed right away), and today the house went flying a couple of times when Freddie walked straight in when Wilbur didn't want him there. I am really not sure they like each other, and I am super worried this is gonna escalate into fighting or me having to separate them. Is this normal? I'm not new to guinea pigs, but entirely new to this issue! Wilbur also lets out small squeaks (never out of pain!) when Freddie bugs him. The roles of dominant/submissive are very clear and Wilbur never fights Freddie on it. Should I be worried?
What you are describing currently sounds within normal levels. With all youngsters approaching and yet to go through their teens, hormones will be rising and displays of dominance are going to happen. You can never know whether all will remain well when they do get into their teens, so all you can do is monitor them and see how things go - for now, all seems fine from what you have said.

The small squeaks you hear are most likely submission which is a very good sign, he is literally telling Freddie that he is no threat to his position.

Do they have a big enough cage - 180x60 for a boar pair is recommended.

(One of my four piggies is also a 12 week old called Wilbur!)
What you are describing currently sounds within normal levels. With all youngsters approaching and yet to go through their teens, hormones will be rising and displays of dominance are going to happen. You can never know whether all will remain well when they do get into their teens, so all you can do is monitor them and see how things go - for now, all seems fine from what you have said.

The small squeaks you hear are most likely submission which is a very good sign, he is literally telling Freddie that he is no threat to his position.

Do they have a big enough cage - 180x60 for a boar pair is recommended.

(One of my four piggies is also a 12 week old called Wilbur!)
They do – it's a 5x2 (180x77) C&C, but there is space for slightly more, so I'm thinking about making it a bit bigger next week. I'm glad to hear it sounds normal so far at least, I really hope they'll get a long. I've had them for just a couple of weeks (or should I say wheeks? Hehe) now. Thank you for your reply! What a fun coincidence that you also have a 12-week-old Wilbur! :luv:
A 2x5 is absolutely fine for them, plenty of space. Of course if you wish to expand then its always good to give them more room, but do ensure you are aware that expanding the cage can cause an increase in dominance as it will be a new territory. Ensure you don’t change the bedding if you expand the cage - the scent from already soiled bedding will help them realise it is still their space.
They do – it's a 5x2 (180x77) C&C, but there is space for slightly more, so I'm thinking about making it a bit bigger next week. I'm glad to hear it sounds normal so far at least, I really hope they'll get a long. I've had them for just a couple of weeks (or should I say wheeks? Hehe) now. Thank you for your reply! What a fun coincidence that you also have a 12-week-old Wilbur!
What you are describing currently sounds within normal levels. With all youngsters approaching and yet to go through their teens, hormones will be rising and displays of dominance are going to happen. You can never know whether all will remain well when they do get into their teens, so all you can do is monitor them and see how things go - for now, all seems fine from what you have said.

The small squeaks you hear are most likely submission which is a very good sign, he is literally telling Freddie that he is no threat to his position.

Do they have a big enough cage - 180x60 for a boar pair is recommended.

(One of my four piggies is also a 12 week old called Wilbur!)

A 2x5 is absolutely fine for them, plenty of space. Of course if you wish to expand then its always good to give them more room, but do ensure you are aware that expanding the cage can cause an increase in dominance as it will be a new territory. Ensure you don’t change the bedding if you expand the cage - the scent from already soiled bedding will help them realise it is still their space.
That is a very good point, thank you so much for letting me know!