Do My Guineas Like Each Other?

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New Born Pup
Mar 17, 2014
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Hey guys
My guineas are still quite young. I've had them about 2months now. To begin with they used to sit in their hidey together, but the last few times I've checked on them one has been sat in the doorway and the other around the corner on her own. Is this them finding out who the dominant one is? Or do they not like each other? I'm worried they're going to end up unhappy being in the cage together
Thanks in advance for your replies xx
Hi and welcome!

Have you got boys or girls? By far not all piggies like to hang out and snuggle up together all the time, yet they are still very good friends. It would be good if each piggy had their own hidey so they can get away from each other - the same as most humans don't tend to spend all their time together when they are married, but they still love each other very much!

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I wouldn't worry unless they start to fight. And don't mistake normal dominance behavior as fighting; rumble strutting, mild purring or teeth chattering, and even humping are ok. But when things start to get heated, and they snap at each other or try to bite, then I would worry. But I'm sure everything is ok, you never know, they might snuggle when you aren't looking!
i had two sows that didnt lie together but when one died the other grieved so much i had to get another one within a few days so they obviously cared about each other.These two never lay together either but really perked her up. Now have 4 babies in with them and they all buddy up different days together adn teh dominant one mothers the babies.
My two girls don't sit together in the same hidey either, my one girl is too dominant and won't let any others in, so I have plenty for them all to have their own. They have never been violent and will go all day gently hutting along to each other and popcorn when they both get excited. So as long as they have two houses and not fighting I wouldn't worry about it.
I wouldn't stress unless there is obvious fighting going on. Some pigs need their space too. Mine seem to trade off time in the pigloo during the day, but they do snuggle in together at night, and they are definitely friends.
Our piggie couples sometimes snuggle up together and sometimes lie far apart from each other. If they are not aggressive, I wouldn't worry.
I think all piggies are different, some like to always be cuddling into each other and some never really do. As long as they're not fighting I think your totally fine.
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