Do My Guinea Pigs Like Each Other?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 27, 2016
Reaction score
Hello :) I am wondering if the behaviour of my two young boars is normal! They chase each other (William chases more than Angus, as he is obviously the dominant boar) and today they were in their run and William wouldn't leave Angus alone, humping him and chasing him around. So to give Angus a bit of peace, I moved William back to the cage for the last 10-15 mins of floor time. Then they started wheeking - William would wheek from the cage and then Angus would wheek back from the run! They have never drawn blood, William just seems to pester poor Angus lol. They usually share the same pigloo even though I have 2 and I have caught them snuggling in it. I have looked up boar behaviour and dominance etc. but I was just curious if chasing each other around and stuff like that is normal play for two young boars? They have never done the teeth chattering thing or anything. It just seems like sometimes they don't like each other with all the chasing but I'm unsure if this is normal, as they are my first piggies.

Sorry if this is a daft question!
Yes, they clearly like each other.
If they didn't it would be blatantly clear.
Until I attempted a bonding recently I had no idea how clearly they could express dislike, so if they are just chasing each other then you have nothing to worry about.
When you see lunging, chattering teeth, blood, and a puffed up piggie, then you need to have the oven gloves ready!
Yes, they clearly like each other.
If they didn't it would be blatantly clear.
Until I attempted a bonding recently I had no idea how clearly they could express dislike, so if they are just chasing each other then you have nothing to worry about.
When you see lunging, chattering teeth, blood, and a puffed up piggie, then you need to have the oven gloves ready!

Thank you! I think I'm just a bit paranoid and overprotective haha :)
Chasing each other around and mounting is very normal behavior both both boars and sows. They are getting along fine. It's part of working out and reinforcing the hierarchy.
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