Do My Guinea Pigs Hate Me?

Giggles The Hyena

Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 27, 2018
Reaction score
I had Oreo and Katie for a year now. Katie is usually seclusive and doesnt let anyone pet her. I dont know why, but she lets my little brother pet her. Oreo usually lets everyone pet him, but now, hes changed. Oreo and Katie let everyone else pet them, but when I try to pet them, they try to bite or jump away. I have been interacting with them and taking care of them for years. I even built them their new cage. I let them out every day, feed them a variety of veggies, and I gives them everything they need. They hate it when I give them a bath, and Katie hates it when I clip her claws because the sucky claw clippers won't cut them right because her class are thicker compared to Oero's. Other than that, Oero used to let me pet him, and Katie would sometimes let me pet her, but now, they won't even let me touch them.. My brother can scratch them under the chin and everything, but I can't even so much as just pet them.. They hate me, and I don't know why. Maybe I'm a bad person. It's like everyone, even animals, love my little brother but hate me.. What did I do wrong? I know they're prey animals and have a natural tendency to flee, but they used to trust me and let me pet them. They would even come up to me, but now, they avoid me unless I call their names to feed them veggies. Then, they totally ignore me and hide under the bed.
@Giggles The Hyena Try to build up their trust again by offering them veg from your hand. I have quite a skittish pig and he now lets me touch him. He knows I have food so will tolerate me being around.
The piggy whispering techniques are very good! If you feel a bit of an idiot doing them, you're not being stupid if you talking guinea pig! If no one's around to watch does it matter?
It may not be that they hate you but the opposite.
Now they really trust you and feel comfortable telling you that they don’t like being cuddled or petted.
You always have to remember that they are prey animals.
Continue being gentle and patient with them.
None of mine like being picked up and cuddled but are quite happy for me to pet them in the cage / usually accompanied by food.
Thanks. I have tried all of that before. They USED to let me pet them, but now, they only let everyone else pet them but me. It's like they love everyone else but me. I have never changed the daily routine. I have fed them veggies during floor time, feed them, clean them, clean their cages. I don't bathe them everyday. They're not supposed to be bathed every day. I Clip their claws now and then when they get too long. I make sure they have water. I try to interact with them, give them toys, I even read up on his to communicate with them, but it's like they totally avoid me now. Idk what I did wrong. Idk if they're still mad at me for giving them a bath one time or clipping their claws. For some weird reason, when I vaccume the cage, Oreo goes straight up to it unafraid. The only problem is that during floor time, he completely avoids me. He won't let me pet him anymore. He let's everyone else pet him, but what did I do wrong? He used to let me pet him, but now, idk, maybe he trusts everyone else?
Guinea pigs dont have the capacity to hate, they're just going through life trying not to get eaten XD I must admit, I have become the 'bad guy' for a few of my pigs over the years, if something needs doing that they generally dont like, medication, nail clipping, taking them to the vet etc ive found they can become a bit distant especially if theres other people who only come and do the nice jobs like cuddling and giving food.

It's important to keep in mind you've not done anything wrong, some pigs can just be divas and connect with some people more than others especially if they only bring food. When I still lived at home, most of my pigs adored my Dad because he would get them out for cuddles and sneak them treats but id get bitten when I tried to do nails and they wouldnt speak to me for a while XD It might be a good idea to start from scratch, spend time each day hand feeding them their veggies, talking to them, rewarding them for letting you touch them etc. Over time this should help. Spreading the burden of the less positive tasks like nail clipping might help so that they dont associate one person with it, if possible. Some sharp, new clippers might help make it a more positive experience too with treats, mine always sit more still when a bit of parsley is on offer! With patience, food and positive energy (theyll know if you're feeling a bit miffed that they're not coming over) eventually they should come back round.
Thanks. I just felt worse at the fact that they favored my little brother over me. My brother always gets more love, more positive things said about him. Even animals, what I love most in life, favors him more over me. But I'll try anything to show them I'm not trying to hurt or eat them. (Seriously, what monster would eat guinea pigs? It's bad enough fish, cows, pigs, and chicken are eaten. I'm not vegan, because I have to eat what I have.) Oreo doesn't seem as afraid as Katie. They still come up to me when I feed them, but when I pet them, they throw their heads up or turn away. Other than that, I could be vaccuming the cage with one of those little vaccumes, and Oreo will go straight up to it.
Maybe they can sense your apprehension? You know, like positive vibes and all that? Just continue talking to them and offering food and giving lots of praise at the same time, especially when alone with them.
I agree maybe you are trying too hard to make them like you? Just sitting nearby and chilling out might help them see you as non-threatening. Read them a story or sing to them and try resist the urge to always be trying to touch them! Maybe they can sense that your little brother is just a kid so they expect him to be more playful- our piggies are surprisingly tolerant of being stroked and cuddled by annoying and noisy little kids but they like us adult humans to respect their space a bit more!
Try to spend more quality time with them. They are very innocent animals, just gave them little time and everything will be normal.
Maybe they can sense your apprehension? You know, like positive vibes and all that? Just continue talking to them and offering food and giving lots of praise at the same time, especially when alone with them.
Yes I think they are sensing your tension and responding to that. If you can get yourself into a happier mood generally, it will probably help. Sounds like you are feeling down about a lot of things & need to find a human who will listen.