Do males usually take well to baby pigs-3 weeks old?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 26, 2010
Reaction score
I'm a little worried about if either of my baby pigs is a male (I think one is), that when I seperate it at 3 weeks, and put him in with Cenci, my grown up male, that Cenci could easily harm him since he's so tiny.

Has anyone ever had any problems with this, or does it normally go well?

I'm just being a bit cautious cos they're so tiny :))
I think it depends on Cenci.
But if he is alone at the moment, he should welcome the company, and baby should follow him around everywhere.
In my experience it goes well. I have bonded big adult boars with tiny babies & yes they've chased them, brrred & tried to mount but the babies are fast & can out-run them & it soon settles down. I've never had an adult boar nip or attack a baby.
The only time i've had problems with boar pairs is when the babies have grown up & the hormones have hit.

I have had far worse with adult sows who have nipped, relentlessly chased & left bloodied bites on baby sows.
I think it depends, but generally they are ok. When I put a baby that young with my pig Jeffrey, he wasn't being aggressive just too rough with the baby and I feared the baby would be hurt. So the baby went to live with another boar until a bit older and then it was fine. The babies were fine with the other boars that I paired them with, it was just Jeff that was being a complete pain in the backside.
Generally, boars are OK with babies. You will get dominance behaviour, though, but it usually doesn't get nasty. Baby boars are in most cases not considered a full rival yet, as they are in no position to vie for supremacy.

Some boars actually make wonderful daddies; many rescues keep such boars as "uncle piggies" and role models for their newly separated baby boars until those can be paired up with either another rescue boar or somebody's bereaved boar.
Thanks guys :) I'll keep a close eye on them. But Cenci did get along great with his two old boar friends (until Moxie picked on him, but Cenci never fought back) so hopefully he'll be fine. And he'll already know the baby through the wire. :) Also it's his half brother, so they should like each other! :))
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