Do Male Guinea Pigs Smell More Than Females

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Linda Jane

New Born Pup
Mar 27, 2012
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In the past we have always had female guinea pigs which have been kept in and outdoors. We now have three males nearly six months old and I noticed they smelt a bit when they were kept outdoors but now we have them indoors it is more noticeable. I clean the indoor cage out twice a day, clean newspaper, swept out, corners disinfected, clean fleeces every other day and I did bathe them all about a month ago and they are starting to whiff a bit again. I can't think of anything else I can do and just wondered, it is a fact males do
smell more than females. Having said that, smelly or not they are adorable.
I don't have experience with boars, but I do know they need a little bit more 'cleaning' attention than sows; Grease glands cleaning.
They do drag their bottoms along the floor too.
I've have had 2 boars in all the time I've kept pigs as well as numerous sows. Albert never smelt at all either him or his cage when it was near cleaning time. On the other hand Finnie my latest boy has a rather pungent aroma. His own personal body smell is somewhat 'stinky' (even after having a bath) and his cage starts to smell a few hours after cleaning. The sows don't smell at all. Maybe it is a boar 'thing' :)
I have 5 sows and 1 little boar at the moment he lives separate until he is neutered, My boar does tend to get a bit wiffy before clean out day but mine are on bedding so it's not unbearable where as my sows don't smell at which is nice!
I have two boars. One is definitely smellier than the other. Maybe it has something to do with age? Mr Stinky (Walter) is 7 months old where the other is 10 months. Walter does drag his bottom a lot, trying to mark his spots of the cage...which is all of it! I found that using fleece with towels and newspaper underneath masks the smell better. They have a litter box with a whole newspaper at the bottom and lots of hay on top which gets changed every day. The smell is stronger there because the newspaper just soaks it all up.
Petwipes do help though with their natural stink rather than over-bathing them. Paying special attention to their bottoms with the wipes (which their not too happy about) does help too.
Good luck x
Edward smells a little bit more than the girls, who mostly just smell of hay. It isn't an unpleasant, but definitely a bit of a boar smell I think.
I have had three boys and seven girls, and have never noticed any difference in how much their houses smell! My boys were always cleaner as they didn't pee all over the place :xd: The pigs themselves, though, boys are definitely stinkier!
I've never had girls but I can say for sure that one of my boys is the stinkiest little man I have ever had. Another one, Romano has the stinkiest poos ever and has since he was a baby and then my other two don't smell at all.
Boys are smelly - I have 3 - all with different levels of whiff - my 4 sows smell lovely.
I only ever had single males so don't know what having two would have smelt like - but my girls tend to pong sometimes... I have my a suspicion that there might be some flying pee going on. That or they just like sleeping where they pee
My boy duo are seriously stinky little things but my herd and mixed pair are pretty pleasant smelling, apart from when they like to sit in their wee that is! :)):))
I've only ever had one boar, and he definitely had his own distinct aroma. Even after he was bathed he always smelt slightly 'musky'. My girls don't smell at all.
I dont think the boys smell more than the girls, they boys do smell more if there are girls around IMHO. My boys smell less overall than my girls did :-)
My boys are quite stinky, and I'm really vigilant about cage hygeine so its not that! But my teddy girls, well, they dont smell at all! I could happily have them in my bedroom, they are virtually odourless...
My Fraggle loves to lie in his warm pee (unfortunately, as I think that's how he got his UTI) I change his bedding twice a day and spot clean as I go along whenever I spot a wet patch, but as soon as he has clean bedding he immediately pees on it! He has a wet hay small about him, but I have to be honest, I quite like it! When he has his cuddles, I like to sniff his fur! Yep, weird! :mal: :mal: :mal:
Some days my boys pong sometimes they don't. depends what they have been up too the night before whilst I'm sleeping I guess! :whistle::whistle:
I've had 2 pairs of boars. The first pair didn't pong and they were your mr average short haired boys. My next rescue pair are both Swiss boars and generally speaking they are a bit smellier than the previous 2. The cage / hygiene standards of care are identical other than obviously having extra grooming of their fuzz ! I wonder if breed of piggie is a pong factor rather than sex ? :hmm:
Interesting topic and answers.
(I'm happy to be abnormal... it's my middle name :D )
I hope this question I'm about to ask isn't to silly, I have 3 female guinea pigs, the youngest one who is 10 weeks old will occasionally drag her bottom on the floor, is this normal for a girl?
I must admit I do notice a smell with my boys. It isn't unpleasant, just a 'piggie' smell. Although my mum wouldn't agree!
I recently put my neutered boar in with my sow and there is definitely a more pungent aroma around the cage at certain times now... a musky smell. Not sure who it is coming from but it's only every now and then!
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