Do I Need To Go To The Vets?


Anniversary Herd
Mar 26, 2017
Reaction score
Broadstone, Dorset
I had a bit of a shock tonight. Meg was in the Strawberry House when it was cuddle time so I took her into the house in it and put her and the Strawberry House on the sofa in the Conservatory. Dennis and Christian were already on the sofa. Christian decided to 'try his luck' with Meg in the Strawberry House but Meg was having none of it. Despite the House being at the back of the sofa before I knew it and could do anything about it, it had tumbled onto the floor with both pigs inside! I took them both out of the House and checked them over thoroughly from nose to bum including teeth, legs, ribs, toes, ears, privates and everything seems fine on both of them. I know that they are very good at hiding stuff but they didn't nip or squeak in pain and so I think they are OK. I'll keep a close eye on them tomorrow to make sure they are eating and pooping. Do you think I ought to take them to the vet for a checkup just to make sure? I'm not sure what to do I feel really bad about it but I didn't want to have to drag Meg out of the Strawberry House and stress her out for what is supposed to be the enjoyable experience of cuddle time!
Firstly don't panic. It happens, even to the most experienced owners. It sounds like they were cushioned from the strawberry house, the fact that you checked them all over and they didn't squeak when inspected might indicate their have been no injuries. I'm not sure a vet is required at this stage, and whilst they can hide injuries, I would just keep an eye on them.

If they are moving around freely, eating and drinking normally then I wouldn't worry.
I had a pig totally jump from me just two weeks ago and then managed to hide under the hutch, I was in bits and screaming for my husband. The little blighter was perfectly fine!

My guinea pig once jumped right off of me and onto the ground but he continued to be fine. I think a lot of it is how they land as they have sensitive spines and small legs, but It sounds the the Strawberry house is what protected them. They should be alright;)
Sounds like you got lucky, please don't beat yourself up. Things like this happen to all of us at some point.

Good news no one was showing any signs of distress. Keep a close eye as I know you will get them checked over at first sign of anything out of ordinary. Sending a hug x
Well I am pleased to report that both piggies are fine this morning:yahoo: after having given them both another thorough check from nose to bum! They even let me pick them up easily this morning and were purring when I was checking them over.:D So it's like PHEW! I am so happy!:yahoo:
@Betsy I only just saw this but am so glad everyone is ok. Looks like the strawberry houses have an unexpected but welcome feature...piggy airbags!
Yes I am so relieved. Both Meg and Christian have been running around like idiots since!
Yes I am so relieved. Both Meg and Christian have been running around like idiots since!

Like idiots...I love how frank you are at times.
OOPS! I'm not that bad am I? If you've noticed it then others will ..... I better be careful:yikes: