Elizabeth Greer
New Born Pup
Hi there, I'm after advice please! I recently bought two Guinea pigs as my daughters first pets. I love G pigs and had 6 girl g pigs when I was younger. I went to a lady to buy 2 girls, as I believed boys would fight. She told me this was not the case, so I ended up coming away with two boys. She told me they were brothers, they may be, but they do look completely different ... One smooth haired, one frizzy and slightly bigger. Anyway, they were 8 weeks when we got them and they're now 12 weeks. Having read this forum, I guess it will come as no surprise that they are starting to fight. They are caged indoors, but in our cellar, so I don't see or hear them unless I'm down there. My daughters love them, they are very tame and are handled twice a day for cuddles. But when they are on the sofa, they start to fight if they enter each other's space, e.g. Snuggle in same towel, or in tube. They are becoming more aggressive to each other, raising up, showing teeth and going for each other. It's awful to watch. I've not seen them bite each other, or any marks on them. Although, I've never seen this happen in the cage, I can only assume it does? Do I need to separate them? I've bought the biggest cage I could, but don't have the space to have 2 cages, so it leaves me with a problem of what to do if they really don't like each other. The cage will also not be big enough for two of every thing once they get bigger. I feel very anxious about it all and wish I'd stuck to my guns and got girls, as pairing boys can work, but it's much more of a challenge and has a greater risk that it won't work. I see an article on here says that brothers won't work as a pair, so I'm panicking ... Any advice please!