Do i give in or keep trying?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 13, 2011
Reaction score
leeds, UK
My only 2 bonded boars have started bickering quite badly over the past few days. I caught them earlier squaring each other off face to face - no teeth chattering but both were rumbling. I quickly put a big pile of veg in the cage and it settled them down, but they still keep bickering now - i haven't seen them square off again yet.

I'm just wondering if i should keep trying with them? My last bonded pair started off like this and then blood ended up being drawn and i ended up feeling awful as i could see it coming - i don't really want to risk that again - but if there's a chance they could be alright then that would be better for them.

Thoughts anyone?
I really dont know. I had 2 bonded males and they were fantastic together. One was about 6 months old and his pal only a few weeks when I put them together. I always kept a bottle of olbas oil handy and would often put a dab on their rumps, if one of them started getting a bit bossy, used to work every time. Made the house smell nice as well. Sure someone will help soon xx
I would keep trying personally, i feel they are all redeemable, even the really difficult ones! How old are they currently? Somepiggies justseemto be naturally confrontational. My eldest is, he just has a need to get up in other piggies space and be all "Grrrr i am a man!" at them :\

The Olbas oil does work though, or a quick dab of vicks on their nose.
I think you need to see it through until blood is shed, (or until one is visably stressed) it could be a phase and they might be more closely bonded than you know.
In my experience I had nipping, chasing, terrible teeth chattering but no blood. I stuck it out whilst increasing their space and all is ok now.
Fingers crossed it's another phase?
I hope it is another phase - Squeaky was so miserable on his own :(

Squeaky is 3 years and is the one doing the rumbling and occasional bottom nip!

Rodger is a year old in May and keeps getting cross with Squeaky as squeaky wont leave him alone, we quite often hear his angry wheek!

I will keep going with them for now - Hopefully sometime in March they will be going back out into the shed and then they will have more space. In the meantime i'll keep going with the distraction techniques!

Thank you everyone :)
I hope it is another phase - Squeaky was so miserable on his own :(

Squeaky is 3 years and is the one doing the rumbling and occasional bottom nip!

Rodger is a year old in May and keeps getting cross with Squeaky as squeaky wont leave him alone, we quite often hear his angry wheek!

I will keep going with them for now - Hopefully sometime in March they will be going back out into the shed and then they will have more space. In the meantime i'll keep going with the distraction techniques!

Thank you everyone :)
Hi I got a new guinea pig recently and the other one a noisy abby was being a pain. The rescue i got them from suggested feeding them both on my lap and also put some objects like a flower pot or other plastic item in the cage as a distraction. So far fingers crossed things are better. They only started having a go at one another in the run rather than in their indoor cage.
Hope that helps and good luck
Have you got a humping toy in your cage? Perhaps that can help drawing off some fire. I wouldn't separate yet. Hopefully, your boys can make it. 8-10 months is often the most diffcult and changelling time when the hormones are at their worst.
Have you got a humping toy in your cage? Perhaps that can help drawing off some fire. I wouldn't separate yet. Hopefully, your boys can make it. 8-10 months is often the most diffcult and changelling time when the hormones are at their worst.

a humping toy? tell me more? i think i need one for my stan, he keeps side humping oscar!
The boys have 2 new objects put in their cage on a night in the hope they don't fight whilst i can't supervise, this seems to work overnight, but during the day they seem a lot more stimulated - will try getting them out on my lap tomorrow and just keep giving them plenty to do.

I can't wait till the weather warms up, its so much easier keeping them occupied outdoors!
The boys have 2 new objects put in their cage on a night in the hope they don't fight whilst i can't supervise, this seems to work overnight, but during the day they seem a lot more stimulated - will try getting them out on my lap tomorrow and just keep giving them plenty to do.

I can't wait till the weather warms up, its so much easier keeping them occupied outdoors!
Put my two out in the run at the weekend but both seemed terrified of the big wide world and didn't even eat any grass. They both ended up sitting in the same house so when the chips are down they like each other. Being a bit naughty tonight in the cage but quieter now. Mine are only 4 months so hope it doesn't get worse
I have two boars and they get on fine now. They are a bit older so I think it does help when they get past the teenage months. My suggestion is to expand the cage as much as you can - for eg, put a house shelter in it so that one can sit on it. ot better still two, so that you create a nice big platform. Also, try giving them each separate feeding bowls, separate hiding places and if possible two haoy areas (try a hay rack if there isn't too much space).

As far as putting them outside is concerned, I use planks of wood round my runs to give the piggies some boundaries which they like. Also use a shelter which will give them somewhere to go when the cat (or in my case, buzzards) appears and also put some wood up leaning against the run sheltering from any wind. This year, I am going to take some heavy weight pvc which I get from my local scrap store, and sew it all round so that it will go round two sides of the run up to about 6 inches. That should make mine feel safer.

I have two boars and they get on fine now. They are a bit older so I think it does help when they get past the teenage months. My suggestion is to expand the cage as much as you can - for eg, put a house shelter in it so that one can sit on it. ot better still two, so that you create a nice big platform. Also, try giving them each separate feeding bowls, separate hiding places and if possible two haoy areas (try a hay rack if there isn't too much space).

As far as putting them outside is concerned, I use planks of wood round my runs to give the piggies some boundaries which they like. Also use a shelter which will give them somewhere to go when the cat (or in my case, buzzards) appears and also put some wood up leaning against the run sheltering from any wind. This year, I am going to take some heavy weight pvc which I get from my local scrap store, and sew it all round so that it will go round two sides of the run up to about 6 inches. That should make mine feel safer.


Hi hon, thank you very much for your post, my boys already have 2 of everything and have done since the moment i have had them. I have a large 6ft run for them for the summer, they have a sheltered side and a none sheltered side and we just fill it with lots of hidey's. They also have free roam on the patio in summer (under supervision!)

They seem to be getting on much better at the moment, i've changed there cage around, taken all the old toys and hideys out and put lots of new things in, they seem better for it and i even caught them snuggling yesterday!

Lets hope they stay together!
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