Do I Get More Guineas?

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New Born Pup
Mar 17, 2014
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I've already got two guineas who I absolutely love ... I've recently been thinking about getting two more, but am worried about the extra costs. Will having 4 cost a lot more than two? I'd love more but don't want to get them if I can't afford it!
I love my 4, I don't really notice the costs. Yes your veggie costs will go up but things like nuggets etc you normally buy in bulk anyway so I don't really notice. If you can give 2 more guineas a loving home, then I would suggest that you go for it! x
I have six and their veggies cost me about £8 a week, i buy bales of hay at £7.99 which lasts around 2 months and i buy them fitch bedding in bulk at £94 but it's last them 6 months...

But depending on what you feed them and different bedding it can cost less or more..

I love guinea pigs but I would say as soon as you start adding more guinea pigs the more time and commitment you need to give them, think of what the two you have already require and then double it....

I have so much respect for rescue centers with any animal, i can't begin to imagine how much money and time they must give up for them!
try and work out what you spend right now on a weekly or monthly basis, whicher works best for when you get money, and then times it by two. Yes some thing you can buy in bulk which will make it cheaper but I would stick by multiplying it by two so you know you are covered. Work out from that total if you can afford more in the long run. Work out all your bills and living costs and set budgets if you need to. A little forward planning will make a lot of difference :)
I only ever used to have pairs but this time I had 3 & the vet bills are way more than having 2. It's not just about the food etc, consider if you have to find £200-300 for an operation then another one needs one a few months later. If you do get more I would advise getting them all insured for vet fees :)
I have 7. They are on fleece and towels so bedding isn't costing anything at the moment. Their nuggets are bought in bulk so that's cheaper, same with the hay. Their veggies cost me around £15 pw depending on what i have ready in my garden at the time. If you have the time, money and space then give another couple a home. Mine have a whole bedroom!
I agree that the additional vets bills are the most important thing to consider here.

Last year I had four piggies who were really poorly throughout the year and spent near enough £1000 in total.
I have had 2 piggies for 11 years (not the same ones! Lol!) and have added a boar in April and 2 more sows 2 weeks ago.

I love them! They are so much more fun to watch when there is a group! I would definitely recommend it!

I was given a cage so didn't have that cost, infact that's why I had 2 more, I had to fill it! I do need to get some more vetbed, but I can manage for now. We will also need a new outdoor run next summer. Hopefully we won't have too many vets bills! Just had a big one for complications following neutering! I don't know if Ive been lucky, but we've only been to the vets a handful of times over 11 years.

Things I have noticed -
1. Lots more noise!
2. Lots more poop!
3. The veggies looks loads now when I prepare it! Having said that, I'm not buying much extra.

If you possibly can, go for it!
i think vets bills are the main consideration here, aswell as how you feel new piggies would affect your current pigs and their relationship.
We have a thing in the states called carecredit it's just for human medical and vet fees, it's a credit card and can only be used for those things. We have ours with 8000.00 US $ money to use in an emergency for the animals. We don't need it for the people in my home lol. And if we pay it off in 6mo no interest.

I would like to get some pig insurance do any of you know a company that is also in the USA for pigs?
I have ten with six litter trays between them that get changed every other day.They are on fleece as i have large c&,c cages.I have other furris and in the last four weeks have paid out 150 on my dog, 30 on a rat and another twenty to get a rat put yo sleep.Each guinea pig will need a cup of veg a day.I spend between fifteen and twenty pound a week on veg and another eight a week on hay.The more you have the more likely you will have a vet bill at some point.Do you have the cage space or is this another expense.Please do your sums and have a serious think about it.
I only have two piggies, but i think i prefer it that way, when i had 3 pigs in two separate cages i was always having to chose between what cage had a what, unless i bought multiples which became expensive, and just having to divide things, i would always worry one cage would have more than the other and felt sometimes i was leaving one pig out or something (silly i know), so personally i prefer just having one cage with two little piggies to completely spoil rather than having to share everything or spend less on each pig, i can put all my money on my two little princes, plus they take up enough of my time with just the two of them, i don't know if i'd be able to find the time for anymore!
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