Do guineapigs remember their owners?


New Born Pup
Jan 26, 2022
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Hello, I have question regarding leaving my guineapig for couple of months. My guineapig is about 10months old and I have been with her almost everyday technically nonstop. However I am leaving now for about 5 months and my brother will take care of her, she will be in good hands. Problem is, that I am affraid that my guineapig will forget me. Does anybody know about this something? I would be thankful.
They will remember you. When Comet and Blitzen were staying at Cavy Corner for a few months I'd ring up once a week to check up on them. One day, the phone was put on loudspeaker and placed in the enclosure so I could say hello, and they came looking for me. They recognised my voice.
She should remember you. They are more clever than they’re given credit for.

May I ask if you plan to get her a friend? They’re really social and shouldn’t be kept by themselves.
I've never been away for that long, but guinea pigs definitely do remember and know their humans. I have this really fond memory when I had to pick up one of my pigs after a surgery where she spent a day at the vet's... as soon as she heard my voice, she perked up and started looking for me. She was obviously glad I was back! My pigs really only see my parents regularly in the summer when we got to the cottage, but they seem to remember them fine each year... they don't treat them like a scary new person each time.
I had to leave my Ted with Debbie at TEAS over the lockdown period and I worried he would not remember me, but he did, when I picked him up I could tell by his eyes he knew who I was 😊

There was no doubt he recognised who you were, when you came to pick him up! ❤️
I am very certain piggies remember their owners. I think they remember other people too. I haven't been away from my piggies for long yet, but they definitely act less and less nervous around my friend the more she comes over my house. I'm sure they have started to remember that her scent is not one to be afraid of. I believe guinea pigs have a far better long term memory than we would think as well based off certain things I have experienced with my girls.