Do Guinea Pigs Run On 4 Feet ?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 7, 2014
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It's the first time my pigs have been in there pen as they used to be able to get through the bars and escape so now they have grown a small amount they have spent the day in it , which they have loved ! Running around making lots of noise etc but I have laid towels on the carpet so they don't ruin them , now one pig isn't bothered but the other one keeps eating them . Pulling threads out like its hay :doh: Now is this going to harm her ? I no it's not health or great but I'm sure a small thread won't kill her will it ? They love being out in there new pen so be a shame to put them back again :(
If it is cotton, it shouldn't do much harm. You may want to consider buying a cheap polyester or acrylic fleece throw, so they won't eat towels. Please be aware that fleece washed with softener is not absorbent and piggies can sit in in their own pee. If you pre-wash at least twice with a softener-free detergent, you may want the towels underneath for absorbency.
It's only while they in there pen not in there cage :) but thank you :) they are cotton , my other thing is that as first time I really seen them running around one of them only uses 3 feet ?
Is he limping? And is he putting any weight at all on his poorly foot?
Well she's not in any pain she's running around and when I touch her leg she isn't bothered. And when she walks I think it's on all 4 but what if she isn't ?
It can't be any more than a mild sprain and it should disappear within a few a few days. little injuries like that are not uncommon in active, popcorning piggies. ;)
That's ok then I know the vet wouldn't do much but wanna make sure I'm ok to just keep eye she not showing signs of pain
Please have any piggy seen that is not putting any weight on their foot whatsoever or is limping badly.
She is though that's why I said vet not do anything , only when she runs but it doesn't seem to hurt her and when she walks it ok
It is a little odd that she is only using three legs. They definitely use all 4...if only to get a really good popcorn in. They 'run' and when in a real hurry (for instance when food is around) they 'bound along'. So yes, all four should, and need to be good to go.

I would get it checked out. I had one who limped but had no real foot or leg lameness and it was neurological. Best to be on the safe side.
So annoying? Did he not say anything? I'd he/she a guinea savvy vet? So sorry it was a waste of time!
His words " you know how a jack russel dog runs on 3 leg sometimes , well that's what yours is doing " and that was it , I also asked to check my other ones ears as they look dusty inside :eek: and he said they fine without actually really looking and I can still see it now when I look , I'm thinking mites ?
Jesse he sounds terrible. How do you compare a guinea to a dog for goodness sake. Are you able to find a more Guinea savvy vet? I do feel for you. You are Doing all the right things but not being helped by those we rely on. Can you try the vet locator on here? Vets like this do no one any good.
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