Do guinea pigs need brushing

Annie's pets

New Born Pup
Dec 8, 2020
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I have to shorthaired guinea pigs and recently they have been molting like crazy since sping is coming and the weather is much warmer i have also noticed whire flakey bits on one of my guinea pigs looks exactly like dandruff people have in their own hair / would it means she has dry skin or needs a bath ? or does she need a brush
Flakey skin is probably worth a vet visit. It could ba a sign of some sort of skin condition. Only long haired Guinea pigs need brushing regularly to stop the hair from matting.
Short haired don’t need brushing. And bathing is only necessary if they’re particularly grubby or advised to do so by the vet.
Are they itchy and scratching more than usual?
Mine are indoors but we've had a bit of shedding because I put the central heating on! No 'dandruff' though.
That's good, because there is a type of mite vets call 'walking dandruff'! But there is also just normal dry skin. Have a careful look at what you've got and ponder whether you need a vet visit for advice.
One of my short haired pigs needs regular brushing (which she hates) as she seems to have very fine soft hair that matts very easily. My other shorthair gets brushed at the same time too and I always get quite a lot of hair out each time though she doesn’t get knotty. My longer haired pig (Aby x Peru I think) never had a single tangle and never seemed to loose hair whilst being brushed.