Do Guinea Pigs Like The Dark Or Prefer Light?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 17, 2014
Reaction score
I was wondering if guinea pigs prefer to be left in the dark or if they prefer light.

I keep my curtains shut all the time and block out day light. But when I get piggies I wonder if they would prefer daylight or if they'd actually prefer the dark or shade.

This would be useful to know and my googling was inconclusive.
They actually need daylight. Mine have daylight then I turn on the light when it gets dark and off again when I go to bed.
Is it similar to humans needing the light for vitamin D?

I have light on most nights don't like sun blaring in. Is useful to know as take 5 seconds to draw back curtains before I go work then in a morning so they will have light.
Yes that is right. Your piggies will have a great life with you.
Thanks :) I think I will have a great life with my piggies. 5 weeks2 days and counting is earliest can start my fam
Mine live outside ( in a outbuilding ) so they get natural light and darkness.
Mine do not seem to care either way, to the original question. I'm the same that I will block out sunlight as much as possible in my bedroom, at least when I'm in there....I even have curtains designed to do; best they can to keep out light and keep out sound. BUT, being my piggies are in my bedroom, I will keep them open whenever I'm not in my bedroom, so it's not like they live in the dark at all times. It's mostly just in the morning if I either sleep for a while or hang out in there for a couple hours before getting up for the day.
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