Do Guinea Pigs Calm Down?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 8, 2016
Reaction score
Kent, England
I hate posting this but I have got two baby sows who are still settling in with lots of minor dominance and they are so hyper, zoomies every where and squeaking, wheeking etc including lots of pop corning. Which I hope is good?

I have only had older pigs before but I haven't had babies before. I am getting so stressed about them worrying that they don't get on, the cage is too small (ferplast 120 but can't get bigger one), they will hurt each other zooming into each other. I go back to work tomorrow so can't be here everyday.

Please tell me they calm down a bit? I feel so guilty even saying that but I have wanted guineas for ages and thought I had done all of the research (5 months of reading, watching videos etc) maybe not though
They sound happy zooming and popcorning. I think a 120 ferplast cage is an ok size for 2 sows. They will probably calm down when they are older. Right now they are youngsters they are just having fun. If you can give them floor time or time in a run they will maybe burn off some of their energy.

Also what makes you think they aren't getting along? They will need to sort out the dominance order when they are in their new home and it should calm down. It often looks worse to us than it does to the piggies. I wouldn't separate them unless their are any serious bites or fighting.
You are lucky - I miss mini pigs running around everywhere - now I only have the two very old ladies and no Bumble the house is silent - my oldies don't even wheak for veg :(
You are lucky - I miss mini pigs running around everywhere -

It's a sad fact that these amazing young creatures do calm down and, I too miss the mad popcorning and zoomies when piggies mature.

That said,even my seven year old does the odd head shake that is an elderly version of a popcorn! He also screams at the very hint of veg!

I ferplast 120 should be fine for two young sows; try to give them floor/grass time if you can.
They sound absolutely fine. Like others have said enjoy their excitable phase. They sound happy as can be
Ok thanks, I have a large indoor run but the gap seems too big at the moment they are having floor time with the top of their cage instead which isn't ideal. Moved stuff around again last night so there is a bit more room in the cage. They have two hay racks, pellet bowls, veg bowls, water bottles and 3 identical hidey caves. It's the loud squeaking, weeing and nipping that makes me worried that grace doesn't like Bella, but they are zooming, eating and popcorning so hopefully this means they are happy.
I hate posting this but I have got two baby sows who are still settling in with lots of minor dominance and they are so hyper, zoomies every where and squeaking, wheeking etc including lots of pop corning. Which I hope is good?

I have only had older pigs before but I haven't had babies before. I am getting so stressed about them worrying that they don't get on, the cage is too small (ferplast 120 but can't get bigger one), they will hurt each other zooming into each other. I go back to work tomorrow so can't be here everyday.

Please tell me they calm down a bit? I feel so guilty even saying that but I have wanted guineas for ages and thought I had done all of the research (5 months of reading, watching videos etc) maybe not though

Your girls will calm down sometime after they are about 4-6 months old - and then you'll want those baby play times back! Zoomies and popcorning can be mad, but the girls won't really get hurt, so pleae take a deep breath and go and enjoy their antics while they last!

As to their interaction, here is information on sow behaviour. Sow Behaviour

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Our sows have calmed down a bit and they are about 5 months. They still zoom about and popcorn and wheek for veg but their behaviour towards each other has calmed down a lot. It was crazy whilst they established dominance.
Thanks, came home from a tough first day back to find all the hay out and a mark on grace's back. Got her out and she is fine. Floor time meant quite a lot of chasing, nipping and first time I've seen teeth chattering. It's very stressful. I was actually starting to regret getting them but had a bit of a cry (popped home to cuddle by beloved dog) and feel better about it now. Just want them to get on lol
Thanks, came home from a tough first day back to find all the hay out and a mark on grace's back. Got her out and she is fine. Floor time meant quite a lot of chasing, nipping and first time I've seen teeth chattering. It's very stressful. I was actually starting to regret getting them but had a bit of a cry (popped home to cuddle by beloved dog) and feel better about it now. Just want them to get on lol

The bonding dominance phase takes on average about two weeks, but it can be shorter or longer. If one of the sows comes into season, dominance can flare up too. If the girls are both ambitious and very closely matched, then it can come up again and again. Like us humans, piggies are every bit as complicated as humans - some of who get on at work and others don't...
Thanks, there is a lot of wee up the side of the cage today and they seem more grumpy. I wonder if they are in heat? They are 9/10 weeks.
My two ladies are bonded but even they still engage in the odd scuffle and at least one a week I hear a bit of teeth chattering! Just think of it this way- no doubt you have arguments with your loved ones that may sound terrible to a stranger but it doesn't mean you don't live them! I see guinea pigs like that, they are bound to have the odd argument
Thanks, there is a lot of wee up the side of the cage today and they seem more grumpy. I wonder if they are in heat? They are 9/10 weeks.

It can well be. A sow comes into season about every 2 weeks from 4-6 weeks onwards for the rest of her life.
More information about sow behaviour, seasons and dominance in here. Please take the time to read this guide: Sow Behaviour
Seem to be a bit better last few days. Been handling them daily and both are getting better. Problem is that when I am holding Bella then grace seems to wheek, be on her hind legs almost searching for Bella. Tried having them both today but it was quite hard to manage but also grace didn't really want to sit there whereas Bella quite enjoys it. Any suggestions?
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