Do free range need floor time?

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
Hi sorry if this seems a waste of a post, just wanted to know if you have 7 pigs free range in a 10x6 foot space do they need floor time? If mine bond they'll have that much room in the shed but if i braught them in they wouldnt have that much space in the living room for floor time, so is it best to leave them in there and just get them out for hugs etc for an hour or so? x
I don't know exactly.

I think just give them all lots of attention and if they are not getting lots of exercise give some floortime.

Hope this helps.
I think because they are in a large shed then they should be ok without floor time, just give them lots of cuddles! x
Thats quite a bit of space. Mine get floor time free-range in my bedroom, but it probably isnt that much bigger than 10x6.

I dont think yours will need floor time if they have that much space. All the time will be floor time!
Hi emma,
mine don't have floor time as the are out all the time.....they have "ME" time instead,I go down 3 or 4 times a day cup of tea in hand and just sit in there with them and have a bit of a chat and a cuddle :smitten:
Aw thats what ill be doing Sammy, I'm putting a little table or desk thing in there so i can have my laptop down there because its got wireless internet so can still speak to you lot too ;D thanks for all the replies :) they may not bond but I'm going to try it, if they dont bond the 3 sets of girls will have 8x2 space and Ralfie will have 6x2, I'm thinking of trying Ralfie with Maggie and Sephy though if it doesnt work with everyone, then he's got company :) xxxxx
I'm so jealous of the size of your shed mine are in a 6 x 4ft shed free range with grids round the inside of the shed so they dont chew it and it gives me somewhere to put the water bottles.

I have 7 too
Ooo snap! how did you bond all yours? I really want it to work but dont think it will :-\ x
jnenbnb said:
Ooo snap! how did you bond all yours? I really want it to work but dont think it will :-\ x

Think positive thoughts Emma ;D ;D
I definetley think they pick up on it if you are nervous about bonding them. If you're relaxed, they relax too.
Don't worry Emma, I think it will work! ;D I think you've just got to let them be, obviously watch them and don't freak out when a bit of teeth chattering happens! Believe me I used to freak out when I heard it, the first time was with Sunshine and Cuzzy and Cuzzy just went for Sunshine and it was one pig ball of fluff! I ran away and left Peter to deal with

But I'm more confident now, S&T are always at it, especially if S goes in T's igloo. I wouldn't seperate them unless there is physical contact. Usually when S&T start I bribe them with veggies. Pudsey was doing it to Eccles the other day and I ended up giving them treats! It's not right I guess as I feel like I'm telling them it's ok to behave badly but it prevents fistycuffs! :D
Lol i just dont know who il have to grab 1st! Il have my mum marking Sephy and ill mark Bee, if it wasnt for them two itd be fine i think, they are just sooo bossy! Both were bullied as babies though (i know this because neither have much in the ear department ;D ) so i think thats why they're always on the defensive! They'll just have to get over it! Out of all of them Bee has attacked Ralfie, Bumble and Sephy. Sephy has attacked Maggie, Bumble and Bee. Ralfie chattered at Bee. And Bumble sort of attacked Sephy ::) the only innnocent is poor little Maggie but she's by no means an angel, she's had a nip at Sephy and she's only 7 weeks ;D and god know what the new ones will be like! I'm just hoping for a miracle really ;D Sephy nipped poor Maggie a few times during the 1st few days but they're fine now, not even a rumble, they just leave eachother alone, dont really interact much and both eat enough etc! x
Lol Louise there is ALWAYS physical contact where Bee and Sephy are concerned, it always ends in Bumble getting in front of whoever is new and chattering at Bee kind of like defending them (i love my little Bumble) and Bee being the horror she is lunges at Bumble who lunges back and they circle eachother etc, they get on their back legs and ruffle themselves up, bare teeth! i've never let it get much further than that so will just have to see, its quite funny really because whoever ive put in to cause it all is usually by that point nicking veg from their bowl looking a bit nervous ;D
Aww bless, how old will Bumble and Bee be when you put them in the shed? x
I'm thinking maybe when they are past the teenage stage they would be ok together. Sounds like you have a really dominate sow on your hands! :D

She may be ok though in a new setting, give them loads to do, they'll have loads of space and it may just work! :D

Fingers crossed! x
Ive got a 18 x 5 ft shed and all the girls are free range at the back in a big area. I put a hutch in their little area for them to hop in and out of. I don't really need to get them out often for floor time, they seem to have quite a lot of exercise anyway. :)
Thanks :) to be honest Louise i dont think dominance is her problem, Sephy is bossy and likes to think she's dominant but i have the feeling she would easily be put in her place if i had the bottle to leave them to it. I think Bee is just very defensive, if someone sniffs her she seems to get scared especially if it's anywhere near her face. Bumble used to nip her in the face and even now 5 months on she still closes the eye closest to Bumble when they're near eachother bless her. If Bumble sniffs her she sort of shrink away squinting one eye, anyone else sniffs her she goes mental, which sets whoever is doing the sniffing on the defensive ::) I'm still not sure who is the dominant one out of the B's x
Another thing i dont get is that Bee cleans any younger ones ive put in? Even though she still nips them :-\ is this her taking them into the herd so to speak but letting them know she's boss? x
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