Do Female Guineas "mount?"

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Andrea Viggiano

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 26, 2016
Reaction score
Hamburg NY, United States
I'm just a little concerned I have three guinea pigs and as I've been told they should all be female. My 3 month old Wendy just recently started humping her cagemates and I just want to make sure that could be normal because my eldest, Marni is too old to have babies!
I'm pretty sure some do as it is a dominance behaviour in females.
Might be a good idea to post pictures up on here to get them sexed correctly, Many a pregnancy story has started with " I thought they where all female"
Might be a good idea to post pictures up on here to get them sexed correctly, Many a pregnancy story has started with " I thought they where all female"
I know, the store I adopted her from said she was and I also took her to the vet when i first got her in August and he said she was female but I just thought it was peculiar and I feel like it's impossible to tell especially them being so tiny
Mine do this as a dominance thing every few weeks when they are in season.
I don't know maybe I have just always gotten the guineapigs that are easy or its to do with my animal care and management but I find it quite easy to sex them even when a day old to me its just either a i or y XD any who if you post up a picture here I'm sure some users can give you there opinion we are all quite happy to help on here :)
Mounting is a dominance thing in females, particularly when in season or the herd has been added to or disrupted. It's very normal.

All my girls at some stage have done it, one at the moment mounts one of the others heads she she is in season (crazy girl).

But if you are unsure it will be best to check with a vet to be 100%
Mounting is a dominance thing in females, particularly when in season or the herd has been added to or disrupted. It's very normal.

All my girls at some stage have done it, one at the moment mounts one of the others heads she she is in season (crazy girl).

But if you are unsure it will be best to check with a vet to be 100%
How long will it usually go on for ? The others are getting stressed everytime she does it !
Oh my I remember having the same panic as you even though I knew my original two were both female :)) It's a bit of a panic when you don't realise they will do it. Season usually lasts a day or two so shouldn't be prolonged for the others, just make sure there are 3 shelters so they can run away if needed
Oh my I remember having the same panic as you even though I knew my original two were both female :)) It's a bit of a panic when you don't realise they will do it. Season usually lasts a day or two so shouldn't be prolonged for the others, just make sure there are 3 shelters so they can run away if needed
Whew haha thank you! Today is day number 2 so we'll see how it goes
We have 3 sows and humping frenzies are a regular occurrence! Some do it more than others...we had one sow piggy who would do it every feeding time, some never did it and others only did it when on heat. It lasts a day or two.
We have 3 sows and humping frenzies are a regular occurrence! Some do it more than others...we had one sow piggy who would do it every feeding time, some never did it and others only did it when on heat. It lasts a day or two.
Thank you for the info! Is there anything I can do for her when she's in heat? I think she's really freaking out the others
We would just take the crazed piggy out of the cage for cuddles for a while, to give the others break!
How long will it usually go on for ? The others are getting stressed everytime she does it !

Umm well as others said, can be a few days every few weeks, but sometimes as it's dominance orientated it can go on a while as it may not be season related. You just have to ignore it and let them be, as long as no harm is being done it's just nature.

It helps to have areas for them all to go to escape and chill. As you have 3 piggies I'd put in 4 hideys or tunnels and that will also help give them all a break (and you!).

As they get older they 'should' calm down.... you hope!
Yes, it's a dominance thing and may happen more when one of the girls is in heat.
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