Do brothers fight?

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Brothers can have the same problems like any other male combination when they hit the big hormones between 4-12 months old.

If it comes to the worst, you can always think about having the offender neutered (he would be an ideal age in view of quick healing) and putting him with your girls.
No-one can say they won't fight or indeed that they will; it is solely down to the individual personalities of the boys :)
Thanks. It's just really hard to imagine that they might fight as they look really sweet all snuggled up together like a big ball of fluff :)
Somehow it's hard to picture a baby as a bratty teenager... whatever the species!

Don't agonise over it - you have plenty of time to think through all possible options (living next to each other, neutering etc.) only to hopefully find that your boys actually harmonise well and are happy as a trio!
Someone who kept guinea piggies told me that my 3 boys will fight if I keep them together. Please tell me they won't :(

I have 4 borthers living togther and have lived togther from 3 weeks old uptill now and there nerally 3 years old now. 90% (first 3 weeks there lived with mum(lilly) and 3 sisters)

Every now and then sammy will make babies with one of them and leave his white stuff one of them rolleyes. He dose it it the night now lol. If anyone wakes sammy up or upsets his sleep he headbutts them in the face , most of the time it is oscor who wakes sammy up or upsets his sleep oscor cant sit still to save his life.

And also oscor and acrhie will try to make babies with rubeans head when there waiting for there meals sometimes but when i tell them to get off rubeans head there do do tho lol.

I have noticed that most things happening when there waiting for there food (when I'm cutting it up) and there either hurgay and gummpy or excited and go and bit mad

there do cuddle up to each other alot and keep each other unlike the girls who would rather sit on there own. well poppy would cuddle with lilly if lilly would let her.

There have never had any fights or tired to kill anyone
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