DIY suggestions


New Born Pup
Jun 9, 2022
Reaction score
London, UK
Alright, so the piggies are apparently doing quite well and have even been enjoying some snuggle lap time together.
We did however ran into a small problem. You see, Freddie is quite big and has popcorned his head against the ramp. Nothing serious, but mother decided to take it out for now with the intention to put it in once they are properly used to the new enclosure and each other. The other problem that might arise is that there is really only one way to go. Although it is wide enough for two piggies side by side (28cm), with the current dominance establishing I don't want one to get cornered.
I understand the upper level does not really count towards floor space, but especially Swinka has really been enjoying rummaging through the hay and having a nap. At the rescue Freddie really enjoyed hopping on top of his wooden hidies just to sit there and look around, so we would like to keep it. The question
Make the ramp a bit steeper so there is more space underneath? Put the ramp in a different place, perhaps the middle? (that would mean even more steep), Try to make the platform wider at the end so they have more space to manoeuver?
Any suggestions are welcome!
I suppose that whatever the outcome I will at least put a c&c grid at the end to stuff in more hay and make sure they don't roll off.

To add some more: Swinka can be a bit pushy but Freddie is a rather gentle thing. He will rumble at her if she gets too close. She is not allowed in his hidey, but he's fine with her sleeping right next to it as long as there is some fabric in between. They have only been together since Saturday and the enclosure is new to both. Freddie is also not actually that big, it's just that Swinka is very petite :nod:

Photo's are already in the introduction thread but here you go

enclosure itself is 130x80
(mother has sorted the food, don't worry)
Of course another option is that you think I'm overthinking it and recon they will be alright the way it is. Since they spend most of their time in the cage I just want them to be comfy with the space. Unfortunately this is about as big as the cage can get without having to move it out of the living room.
Firstly what a brilliant cage - they are very lucky piggies indeed.
I wouldn't be so worried about one of them hitting their head as long as they don't appear hurt. Young piggies get excited, and Ruby used to popcorn so hard she would fall over! Enjoy it while it lasts.

What would worry me is if they do come together in the space at the top and have a fractious moment, it would be very easy for one of them to jump over the side and that could be quite a dangerous fall. Particularly if they landed on the ramp or one of the houses below.
I would definitely add a higher wall or some C&C grids along there.

For now I would keep the ramp and see how they get on with the top floor. Now the house has gone it looks like a wonderful hay nest with plenty of space, so hopefully they learn to share it nicely.
Agreed about the grids. Comet tried leaping off my sofa twice to get at the hay I was carrying, and tried to climb on the arm of the sofa once for the blueberry punnet sitting there. They can't really tell if they're about to leap into the void or not, I remember Wiebke saying somewhere they can't judge distances like that. It might also be worth trying to "grid off" the sides of the ramp too for the same reason, if one of them chose to try escaping by jumping from near the top of it.
Blitzen also used to fall over occasionally popcorning when he was very young. When he reached full adult size it stopped, and he just looked like he was headbanging in a mosh pit instead.
Silly piggies! Thanks for the advise both, that's reassuring. I had ordered a grid to put at the end but might get more now. That or I'll have a look at the MDF that's left over. Might even put the wood that's on the side now on the ramp instead. Hmm...

@Swissgreys They are not that young anymore. Swinka is at least 7 months and Freddie is around 2. They had a bonding session last Friday. They said Swinka might stay small due to bad nutrition early on. My mother in law has had her for 2 months now.
Silly piggies! Thanks for the advise both, that's reassuring. I had ordered a grid to put at the end but might get more now. That or I'll have a look at the MDF that's left over. Might even put the wood that's on the side now on the ramp instead. Hmm...

@Swissgreys They are not that young anymore. Swinka is at least 7 months and Freddie is around 2. They had a bonding session last Friday. They said Swinka might stay small due to bad nutrition early on. My mother in law has had her for 2 months now.

I would definitely make the sides of the upper level higher all the way round.

They are both still young, Swinka especially. You should hopefully see popcorning for another couple of years! My 4 year olds dont regularly popcorn anymore - I’ll see the odd one at some cage cleans if I’m lucky!
Not sure how to fasten whole c&c grids as the height of the loft is higher than the grids. Fingers crossed the grids are easily cut/bent. I'm actually starting to wonder whether plexiglass would have been better. Especially since there already is a removeable plexiglass panel on the way for the front. Initially this build cost less than a C&C cage of similar size, but now I'm not too sure anymore :))
In any case, no napping on the loft until it's done

@Lorcan I suppose it's all in the name, diving Comet!
@Piggies&buns I love the popcorning, it's just too funny. It reminds me of my late bunny's 'happy hops' as well
The only other thing I can think is to add another piece of wood which is a bit taller? The issue is that you need to make sure whatever barrier you use doesn’t block air flow too much (you don’t want ammonia to build up) so grids may be better than something solid but it depends on the measurements you are dealing with. You obviously also still need to be able to get into it to clean out.
Not sure how to fasten whole c&c grids as the height of the loft is higher than the grids. Fingers crossed the grids are easily cut/bent. I'm actually starting to wonder whether plexiglass would have been better. Especially since there already is a removeable plexiglass panel on the way for the front. Initially this build cost less than a C&C cage of similar size, but now I'm not too sure anymore :))
In any case, no napping on the loft until it's done

@Lorcan I suppose it's all in the name, diving Comet!
@Piggies&buns I love the popcorning, it's just too funny. It reminds me of my late bunny's 'happy hops' as well

He was bonkers and ended up banned from the sofa, but he was also adorable, lol. I miss him.

also, re- the grids, any time I've bought grids they've come with connectors, kinda like feet? A few grids in a row, connected via the feet, should be stable enough without extras. Push comes to shove, an extra nail on the outside of the cage, at the far end, means you could cable tie it to that where they can't gnaw on it too.
Does that not mean the grids can only be secured one end? I’d be concerned that putting a row of grids along that edge, they won’t be self standing and would need solid support/tying in at either end
You may be picturing something different to me though!
With the connector feet, it shouldn't be as much of an issue, especially if secured via cable ties at one end.

On the other hand, it might be worth putting the grids outside that small wall instead of inside. You could have a row of permanently secured ones and build upwards, the ones higher up the grid "wall" could again be secured via connector feet and/or zip ties, and they could be removed to provide access for cleaning before being reattached.
Afraid I've ordered loose grids. Not sure if they come with the connectors but cable ties sound like a good alternative.
The loft is not much higher than the grids, I guess it's about 40cm. If you secure the whole thing at the bottom it will be hard to clean. If I secure it on the left and cable tie the rest it will be too unsteady. How about I cut them half size and attach them a bit higher up on the wood?
Could probably also use a bigger piece of wood but it's more fun if you can see them and vice versa