DIY second level

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 28, 2009
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I have seen a few people who have added shelves to store bought cages. I was wondering how its done? the girls have a pretty big cage but would love extra space to survey their kingdom:(|)


The current set up
Ooo your cage looks fab! I like the chalk board sign :)

I'm about to tackle the loft in my cages, but I'm going to be using the shelf bit that came with the cage.

Other people have used things like the panels from cube mesh storage units tied to the cage to make a shelf and then make a tray out of correx and a ramp out of the panels covered in something (carpet or correx or something similar for grip)

Mackers who is a member on this forum made the shelf bit out of wood, the plank being slightly wider that the cage that slots through the bars to the other side. It has little ridges on the underside so that it 'sits' on the bars and doesn't slide about.

Here are some links;

(Mesh Cubes - although this might be costly if you are only going to use it for the shelf part and watch out for P&P costs if you buy through eBay! They are heavy so shipping is quite pricey. CostCo sell these very cheaply if you have one nearby but there is a yearly members fee to join so if you only wanted 1 packet, eBay will be cheaper - I think!)
(Correx sheets - this company do discount for forum members which is detailed on this thread)

Hope this helps :)p
Hiya :)p - Here's my Trixie Rabbit 150 cage with the second level that I made myself:-


I made it from plywood which is attached to two 'runners' made out of strips of wood. The runners have notches cut into them which then just sit on the bars of the cage. It was really easy to make. I attached vetbed to the ramp so that the piggies can grip it really easily and I also made sure I didn't make it too steep. I also added sides to the ramp made from Correx.



I'm glad you asked, Rosierum, as I'd been wondering the very same thing myself, only yesterday :) (Btw I love your chalkboard sign too - so cute!)

Mackers - your design looks great and not too tricky to make. Think I'll have a go at that myself, so cheers!
I'm glad you asked, Rosierum, as I'd been wondering the very same thing myself, only yesterday :) (Btw I love your chalkboard sign too - so cute!)

Mackers - your design looks great and not too tricky to make. Think I'll have a go at that myself, so cheers!
Oops sorry - double post. Think I must've got too excited at the prospect of "pimping" my cage and clicked too many times! :)
If I had your cage I would probably put the loft in the lower cage on the side the ramp comes down so that the incline would so that the ramp will be less steep. Do you understand what I mean? Piggies love lofts because they can hide under and sit on top! They also save space in the cage because it gives shelter without taking up the space of a pigloo.

I have this cage
and I think it demonstrates what you meant about the incline being less steep if the loft is on the lower cage area.

Mine are just in the top of the cage at the moment (hole covered) but once I adapt the ramps to have sides on them theyll soon have the whole cage. I might even use the bottom 'loft' as a template and make another loft in the top cage.

Very interested to see other peoples ideas too - glad you posted this - and I love your chalk sign too x)
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